[CH9]The Misadventures Of Depressed Guy And Fox Bitch!

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Waving to the bullhead Y/n turns to the city of Vale with a sigh. He had just gotten out of a looooong conversation with Coco and Velvet about how he was leaving. Which he only got out of by offering his non magical scroll to them so they can talk whenever.

Y/n-'Now what?' Y/n walked throughout Vale. 'Should I leave Vale now? Yeah I should. But where do I go?'

???-"Hey bitch! You got a problem with faunus?"

Y/n-'Atlas doesn't sound the best, Vacuo is a wasteland, and Mistral doesn't interest me.'

???‐"Quit ignoring me bastard."

Y/n-'I guess I could go to Menagerie. There's less people there on the account that only faunus are around.'

???-"Oi ya cunt!"

Y/n dodges the punch from behind and flips the assailant over while drawing his blade. He calmly places it above the neck of his attacker.

Y/n-"Give me one good reason not to finish the job."

???-"First tell me what your deal is."

Y/n-"My deal? I've never met you lady."

???-"That doesn't matter! I saw the way you were looking at me. Bet it cuz you think faunus are below you don't ya cock sucker."

Y/n-"What are you talking about?" He removes his hat to reveal his ears. "Annoyed I'm a bloody faunus myself."

???-"So what the fuck was all that angry staring about?!"

Y/n-"I wasn't staring at anything. I was just thinking about where to go."

???-"Oooooooh." In an instant Y/ns sword was kicked out of his hands as the woman flips over and begins prostrating. "I'm so bloody sorry about. I saw your angry mug and assumed you were being a dick."

Y/n-"Retrieving his sword Your apology is accepted. Now, if you excuse me. I need to commandeer a boat."

???-"Oh let me help! I own a boat. Think of it as an apology for starting shit with you."

Y/n-"That won't be necessary."

???-"Ah no worries. I ain' give a fuck. I'll help ya free of charge."

Y/n-"Rolls eyes Then can you take me to Menagerie?"

???-"Can I take you? Bitch I live there course I can take you." She laughs. "Perfect timing two. I was planning on heading back after a mug or two but for you? We'll make the trip and i'll be sober hahaha."

Y/n-"What's your name?"

Anri-"Anri's the name my good mans. How bout you?"

 How bout you?"

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