[CH13]Train Heist

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"
Neo TTS = >Why<
3rd Pov

Our Mc and pal finally land after a non stop flight from Menagerie to Vale and find themselves in the middle of a forest. The pilot simply said head straight and you'll find the camp before leaving the two to their devices.


Anri-"Yeah Y/n?"

Y/n-"From this point to the point we leave the Fang my name is Horace."

Anri-"Why's that Horace?"

Y/n-"Silly question Anri. I don't want anybody to know that Y/n worked with the Fang. Heck i'm going to be changing my outfit so it's less likely for people to recognize me." His whole personality suddenly becoming more cheery.

Anri-"I... I see..." She spoke taken aback by his sudden change.

Y/n-"Welp, let's get a move on. Best not keep the boss waiting. Wouldn't want that on our first day no mam we won't."

Anri-'There's literally no hint of his normal personality outside his outfit...'

Eventually they made it to a large group of tents and after introducing themselves to the nearest Fang member they were sent to Adams tent in the middle. Y/n thanks the Fang member and they eventually enter the tent and see him laying in a hammock.

Adam-"You must be the recruits." He spoke as he got out. "I've heard from Miss Khan that you're the winner of it Points at Y/n Sekiro. And you must be the one in second place Anri. Glad to have you aboard."

Y/n-"Glad to be here sir!"

Anri-"What he said."

Adam-"Good to hear. Now before I introduce you to the team I need to tell you the mission. We're stealing a train."

Anri-"The fuck?! Why?!"

Adam-"The only thing i'm telling you right now is the last train we stole doesn't have an engine."

Anri-"Not even gonna bloody ask."

Adam-"Good because you're not getting any answers. Now come along." He states as he passes them and leads them to another tent on the edge of the camp.

Y/n-"Huh, you're still around." He said with mock surprise as he entered the tent to see Roman Torchwick and some girl with pink and black hair.

" He said with mock surprise as he entered the tent to see Roman Torchwick and some girl with pink and black hair

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Roman-"Oh fuck Black!" He jumps back. "The hell're you doing here?!" The pink headed girl looked to him with confusion.

Anri-"Hold the fuckin phone. You know this Ginger Bitch Sekiro?"


Roman-"Why're you here?!"

Adam-"Because he's helping us with the heist."

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