[CH21]Let's Dance

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Anri starts the bout by fanning the hammer. Each shot struck Y/n with a fiery blast but he ignored them as they seared away his skin and chose to close the distance between him and the woman. He slammed Bloodletter down on the girl but she dodged it and struck his back with her katana. The lack of aura lets it penetrait and stick through to the other side. Y/n, as if it was nothing spun the weapon around to strike Anri but is met with the shattering of glass.

Neo jumps into the fight in place of the illusion of Anri and kicks the blade out of Y/n before blocking a strike from Bloodletter with her parasol and back flipping away. Anri came down from above but Y/n dodged back and struck her with Bloodletter. The impact of the weapon sent her flying before colliding with a column before once again shattering into glass. The realization came a moment too late as Y/n felt a blade slice down his back once more. Neo joined in and kicked him to the ground before striking her blade into Y/ns leg.

He overpowers them and rolls away despite the injuries and injects a blood vial into his leg. The girls eyes widen as the wounds they could see healed in an instant. He gave them no time to think as he threw Bloodletter at Anri and moved to kick Neo to the floor. Anri took the hit because of the speed but Neo managed to block the first kick. The two then began to get into a small bout of their own as Y/n would punch and kick with great speed but Neo would barely block the attacks with her parasol. Using this chance, the recovered Anri turns her revolver into its whip form and wraps it around Y/ns legs before dragging him away from Neo and spinning him around. He was then sent into one of the support columns cracking it and sending some debris flying. Y/n slumps to the floor breathing heavily.

Y/n-"Laughs You... you two... have been busy while I was gone I see..." He staggers out.

Anri-"Fuck yeah we where. May not have liked dis bitch at first but damns we a good ass team." She say as she high fives Neo. "Now start fuckin talkin' bitch."

Y/n-"You..." He slowly gets up clutching his dislocated arm. "Haven't even..." He snaps it into place. "Beaten phase two yet."

Anri-"Phase what?" From Y/ns shadow embers began to dance before a bird emerged from it. "So you're finally usin' your fackin semblance. What difference does it make?"

The bird caws as it takes flight, the embers following. To the girls shock a brilliant golden energy engulfed the bird and in its talons lightning began to crackle with righteous fury. In an instant the bird was on Neo. Anri moved to help her fight the miraculous bird but was met with throwing stars. She turned to Y/n to see him pull out Bloodletter. In shock, Anri twisted to see where Bloodletter was only to see a dotted outline blinking in and out of reality.

Anri-"That's just unfair..." She whined.

As she did Y/n closed the distance between the two and slammed Bloodletter down from above. She rolled out of the way and tried to wrap Y/n in her whip but he moves left arm to block it and to her surprise a metal umbrella sprung out to block her. The umbrella folded away after the whip made contact but before she could breathe a spear extended forth to strike her. She deflected it with her katana and teleported out of the way of yet another strike from the bloodied weapon. Y/n then just disappears in an array of feathers before appearing above her and sending forth a jet of fire along with another strike of Bloodletter.

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