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"So... is this how you thought it'd turn out?" Ozpin asked as he overlooked the fire.

"Honestly?" Y/n chuckled, "I was expecting to wake up in the room I used to have in Beacon. I did set up a bonfire there," Y/n noted as he held his hands out to the fire. "It's warm you know? The fire."


"It's... it's one of the few things I still feel. I can reach out and feel the burn. Each little dancing ember and raging inferno I feel. Reminded me that i'm still alive in a sense."

"Is that why you prefer to use a bonfire?" Ozpin questioned as he reached his hands out to feel the heat of the soothing fire.

"When I rest here i'm reminded of who I am. Who I was. Here I won't be plagued by the sent of blood or the presence of a chaotic spirit. Here, I get to rest where time does not flow and the world beyond is blocked by clouds. It's just me, the bonfire, and the little patch of land it illuminates."

"So why don't you stay here?"

The immortal chuckled to himself before focusing his eyes on the small embers floating out and beyond the clouds. "It's because I won't. Not again. This is the most peaceful life i'll ever get but what is it truly? A prison." Y/n pulls his hands away from the fire as he pushes himself off the ground, a tired sigh escaping his lips. The Good Hunter reaches out for the sword in the center of the flame and slowly tore it out. "I do not intend to be a prisoner any longer," He continued with a solemn and saddened tone as he began walking towards a massive stone gate of ornate design.

"Wait don't!" Ozpin shouted out, momentarily pausing Y/n's advance.

"I..." The Chosen Undead's arm crackled with energy as it was engulfed in flame. "Have many..." His arm drew back as his hand balled into a fist. The energy spiked as he punched the door, blowing it open and launching it off its hinges. Metals that once rested undisturbed for centuries where displaced in a clattering as the doors crashed into pools of gold coins before sinking below. "Regrets..." The sound of his footsteps echoed in the long forgotten chamber. He was not there for its wealth, he was not there for the many armaments' that decorated its walls... no he was there for one thing alone. The room, wreathed in wealth and weapons held but one treasure that caught the Wolf's eye. "But there's no point in any of that anymore..." Reaching the top of the stairs he reached out towards the pedestal that held one of the things he desired most.

His hands paused, his motions ceased, and his mind raced as Ozpin interjected once more, "You can't do this Y/n! The world will burn!" He pestered, he cried, he begged. The Ashen One's head turned but not to look at the failed Headmaster. Instead, his vision was filled with a myriad of colors as dozens of people flooded the room and began to surround him.

The Tarnished eyes landed on HER, the woman who started all this. His eyes were cold and full of malice as his attention turned to man next to her, all too familiar and yet completely different to the one in his head. "Bear witness..." The Bearer Of The Curse began as dozens of creatures leapt, stood, clawed, manifested, and dragged themselves out of the shadow, "To an age..." The battle began as the forces plunged into chaos. "Without Gods!"

Wolf, Chosen Undead, Bearer of the Curse, Ashen One, Tarnished, Good Hunter reached out once more and touched the crown that lay upon its pedestal. Three glorious relics of power and mystics made themselves known as a light, no a darkness, NO BOTH shot down and spread across the room.

[Please note that this is a trailer. A teaser for what is to come and the general direction I plan to lead this story. I have 0 chapters ready and it will stay like this for some time as I focus on my other works and release a considerable number of chapters first. With that said, let it be known this is my favorite book to work on as you can tell by the difference in chapters haha.

Now, i'd like to bring your attention to something else. I'd like for all of you to ask me questions. Primarily regarding the book but everything goes as long as its not too personal. That and I will not be spoiling the story of ACT 3 in any way. Please have a great day and I hope you stick with me till the end.]

"Good bye then. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow."

Will I Ever Rest [Cancelled]Where stories live. Discover now