[CH26]Bull Fight

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

"Hey little Red!" Torchwick's voice breaks the silence of the room as a light flickers to life and illuminates Ruby, who's currently roped down to a chair and gagged. "Long time no see!" He states happily as he gives a thumbs up to the people behind him.

Ruby looked over to see that the people he was signaling had the same outfits as the White Fang with the exception of a black lion's head and claws in place of the logo. "Curious about them are you?" Her attention returns to Torchwick. "These are my lovely co-workers the Black Claw. But enough about them what about you? What are you doing out here?" He removes the gag.

Ruby looked at him and without a second thought spat in his face. SMACK  Torchwick's cane knocks her head to the side, forcing out a pained yelp from the girl. "No no no, that won't do." He looks back to the faunus, "You two may leave. I'm going to educate her." They nod reluctantly and do so. His attention returns to the girl and with some force he kicks her to the floor.

"You see Red, i'm in a pretty bad mood. So bad in fact I think i'll die if I don't relieve my stress. Normally i'd go through more dignified means but we're out in the middle of nowhere and you're under aged. So i'm just going to beat you. Now tell me, Back hand SMACK or Fore hand SMACK? Which feels worse?"

"I... don't know... you tell me." She chokes out as she activates her semblance, using the speed to tear herself free of the rope before grabbing his cane and hitting him with it. 'Thank you Y/n for your more than extreme methods of training.' She thought as she quickly smacked him again upon seeing that he was trying to get up. "Oh my gosh! I need to warn the others!"

Y/n Pov

"That won't be necessary Ruby." I stop her as I enter the light along with the rest of her team and Oobleck. "Noticed you dropped this so they thought I should return it." I continue as I hand over Crescent Rose. 'She held up well.'

"Thank goodness you're safe!" Yang shouted as she moved to hug her sister. I, of course stopped her and pointed towards the direction I saw the Black Claw walk off to.

"No time." I state as I begin to move forward. Opening the door I see stairs that descend down a large cavern. At the bottom was a train and a few dozen Black Claw members. "Looking back Try to keep up." And with that I jump up onto the railing, jab Blood Letter into myself and jump down.

Blood Letter tears out from my body in all its glory. I smash the weapon down and create a noticeable crater where some dust crates stood. Landing on it with one foot I grin as I have gained the attention of the entire enemy force. I stand at full height atop the bloodied weapon, speak, and begin a bow. "My name is not of importance. It would be wasted on the ears of the dead anyways." From the shadow I cast a beastly creature began to tear free. "Oh Cleric, please heal their sins and free their souls."

The sweet sweet sight of their fear was intoxicating. The cleric beast made short work of the few stupid enough to fight back. A human was swallowed whole, wolf Faunus impaled upon it's exposed ribs, a cat had their legs torn off and flattened as another human was thrown into a nearby wall with enough force to splatter them. That's when something unexpected and truly delightful happened. A blade of crimson swept through the air and decapitated the accursed beast. I retract the beast and quickly jump off Blood Letter as another blade finds its home where my torso would've been. 

My feet touch the ground and I make eye contact with my attacker. Adam Taurus. Snapping my fingers, the Blood Letter disappears and in my hand lies my katana. I spin it around and make a confrontational gesture with my free hand.

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