[CH27]When one story ends...

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[WARNING! This chapter will have spoilers for one of the endings of Elden Ring. I will not tell you when or where it is in an attempt not to draw attention to it but you have been warned.]

A flood of beasts begin to reach the streets of Vale as the great wall that separated man from beast was torn asunder by the combustion of the train that Team RWBY failed to stop. Beaten, bruised, and weary the four girls, Oobleck, and their dog managed to break free from the burning wreckage and set their eyes upon the gruesome sight that was waiting for them. The Grimm have turned the once peaceful city into a  warzone. Yang immediately jumped into action as she spotted a crying child that a beowolf was set upon. Blasting it to chunks, she moves to comfort the child but pauses in shock as she sees the child was hopelessly tugging on the mangled leg of her dead mother. She held back her urge to puke as she scooped up the child and handed her over to Ruby who, along with the rest of the group, had caught up to her.

"Take the kid and get her to safety." Yang commanded. No room for even a reply in her voice. Ruby nodded and ran off with the still crying child. Yang then turned to the rest of the team, "Till Ruby gets back i'm in charge. We are holding this line!" She shouted as she bumped her fists together and jumped towards the horde that began to trickle in through the breach. "Weiss! Ice wall! Funnel them towards me!" Weiss' steels her nerves and shakily swings her rapier and with the aid of her glyphs, erected walls of ice that blocked off possible routes the grimm could take. "Blake! Get rid of the ones that get past me! Doc!"

"No need to give the order. Already contacted Ozpin." He spoke calmly, betraying his shaking hands and combat ready aura. "Police are moving to set up barricades and back up will be here, eta thirty minutes."

"You head him girls!" Yang shouted as she uppercut an Ursa, tearing its head from the body, black blood staining her face. "Team RWBY can't die for the next thirty minutes!" Yang charges into the hoard of Grimm with a furious roar. One the beasts where far too happy to compete with.

The sky darkens ever so slightly as attention shifts to Y/n as he watches the carnage. A slight smile crosses his face as he smells the air for the sweet sweet sent of blood. He can see it all from Sylvia's eyes and it was glorious. Team rwby was down a member, their leader! All because they wanted to save the weak! Pitiful, he thought, as the ice walls shattered. Though he was mildly impressed as he watched the grimm disperse, choosing instead to find other prey than to fight Yang endlessly when she held the upper hand with a team to back her up. The team chose to split up at the sight of the Grimm spreading out but where stopped as they realized they had been encircled by the lowly beasts. Ruby had returned just at that time and as I overheard her talk about reinforcements I couldn't help but clap as I stepped out of the cave to witness the smoke plumbs on my own. Snapping my fingers my form changes. I had dawned the Dark Wraith set and armed myself with Freide's scythes.

"This smell..." His voice darkened as he watched the grimm slowly overtake her and her friends. Forcing them to retreat further and further up the the corpse of the train that had caused the whole event. "Fear..." the beasts continue to their assault but Ruby manages to take out groups of grimm with precise shots and clean strikes. "Rage..." Y/n whistles and summons forth a horned stead from the ether. "Blood..." Y/n's shadow grows as it extends forth. His eyes dulled as a dark shade of red snuffed out the shining silver orbs.

It was over. That was Ruby's thoughts as the King Taijitu surrounded the train and bared down on the girl. Lucky for her the grimm was swat away as Nora fell from the sky and unleashed a smiteful hammer upon the beast. From the Bullhead the rest of her team fell out and began to clear out the grimm. Now, invigorated by the arrival of Team JNPR, Team RWBY let's out a battle cry and charges into the fray once more. Soon the thudding march of the Atlesian Knights joins in the choir of gunfire and snarls as General Ironwood arrives onto the seen with his Hand Cannon at the ready and a platoon of Atlas' finest. Even team CMEN shows up to clear out stragglers. Things where looking up for the people of Vale.

"Blood and Death..." Embers grow and dance along Y/n's armor. "An intoxicating aroma..."

A deep chill strikes Ruby as her head swivels to look at the cave the train had fled. There, she saw it. The visage of Death as it sat upon a demonic steed. Death's right arm slowly crept upward as its hand slowly pointed towards Vale. Dread swept through the streets of Vale as an aura of malice radiated from the hillside cave. Everyone stopped, even the Grimm ceased their onslaught. The only thing that moved was the fleeing wildlife and emotionless machines that quickly dealt with their prey. The moon peaked over the hill, a brilliant scarlet red hue splattered across its face.

A dark black claw juts out from Y/n's shadow as it pulls itself forth, ash and shadow streaming off its body as it leaves the pool. The beowolf snarls as its Master's brand is carved into its skin through magical means.

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