[CH22]Wait, there's a dance?

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"
[HAHA Best Girl wins by 4 votes!]
[Also, I tried to do something more professional with the formating. Tell me what ya think please.]
3rd Pov

This chapter opens with the members of Team CRDL flying across the classroom. The reason? Pyrrha Nikos. Cardin being the absolute dumbass he was, challenged her with his whole team. Now they're all sitting atop each other groaning in pain.

"As you can see class, number advantages mean nothing without skill or coordination." Glynda started as she walked to the center of the room. "Coordination being the most important factor in a team fight. Mister Winchester simply tried to overpower Miss Nikos, however, is a highly skilled opponent and used their lack of coordination to use their numbers against them." She explained as she stepped down onto the stage.

"Now, we have time for one more fight. Is anyone up for a bout? Miss Belladonna!" The teacher called out to the sleeping faunus. "Seeing as how you found that match unexciting why don--" She paused. "Yes Mister Y/n?"

"I want to fight." He spoke as he stood up from his seat next to his team.

"Oh, uhm, very well. Who'd you like to have a bout with?" She spoke with noticeable surprise.

"Nikos." He answered.

"I'm sorry but she's just had her own match." She denied only for Pyrrha to step in.

"I'm fine with it!" She objected. "They weren't much of a workout."

"Alright. Y/n, please step down." The teacher relented.

The room grew silent as the man slowly stepped down to the stage. Teams RWBY and JN_P watched with a mixture of excitement and worry. 

'Kick her ass Y/n!' Ruby thought with excitement.

'This ought to be interesting.' Weiss watched with interest.

Blake looked on with worry 'Y/n... be safe...' She thought.

You know who, was very excited for the match. 'Haha the Edgelord's gonna get it!'

'You got this Pyrrha!' Jaune thought.

'The voices are back... I mean Y/n's so gonna get his legs broken.' Nora smiled as she watched the two ready themselves.

Unlike the others, Ren was busy collecting Lien from the students who began to whisper and make bets. Y/n finally stepped onto the stage. The room grew silent once more as the screen came to life and displayed the aura levels of Pyrrha and Y/n. Glynda broke the silence and the battle begun. "You may begin... now."

Fast as quicksilver, Y/n closed the distance between himself and the girl as he unsheathed his blade. His strike rings true and cuts into the woman's aura. In surprise, Pyrrha jumps back and raises her shield. Y/n ran towards the woman and parried the spear she thrust forward. Undeterred, she struck again and again. Each strike faster than the last. Y/n was no slouch either. He parried each strike with relative ease.

'She's mocking me.' Y/n thought as the fight continued. 'There's no killing intent...' The boy dropped his katana to the crowd's surprise and moved his hand to block the strike, purposely dropping his aura.

Pyrrha, Glynda, and the crowd gasps as the spear cuts through Y/n's hand cleanly. Before Glynda could call off the match however, Y/n pulled his hand back, yanking the spear with him. He ripped the spear from his hand and used it as a pole vault to jump over Pyrrha's shield. Using her shock to his advantage he cut into her back with his katana before slapping her away with her own spear. Regaining composure, the woman began flipping away and threw her shield towards Y/n. The man deflected it and moved to strike her with her own spear when a black aura that only Y/n caught.

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