[April Fools] Wake Up

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A child gasps for air as he jumps up only to fall back down as he hits his head on the bottom of the bunk and begins to whine in pain.

"Y/n!" An older feminine voice calls out but before the now named child can open his eyes he succumbs to the embrace of the person. "Oh little snowball I was so worried for you. What where you thinking?! Pushing a beowolf down like that?!"

The memories begin to flood into the boys mind as he begins to sob and hug the girl back, tightening their embrace. "I... I was s-- so worried for you I couldn't le-"

"Shhh shhh shhh... It's ok Snowball. Save your breath." She quickly began to calm the boy down as she pat him on the head. "Neither of us would've lived if it wasn't for you." She smiled as she pulled back to look him in his silver eyes.

"W... wha-- what hap happened?" He choked out as he slowly fought back the tears.

She smiled a sweet smile as his eyes shimmered, "Your eyes, they glowed, and the next thing I know the grimm was turned to ash and you where knocked right out."

"M-my semblance?" His tears subsided near instantly as his excitement far outgrew it much to the girls amusement. "Big sis! Does this mean I can become a hunter?!"

"Huntsman," She corrected.

"BAHAHA!" A deep voice laughed as a large man entered the room. "You hear that honey? Y/n had a brush with death and he still wants to become a huntsman. He's just like you isn't he dear?" 

"Ghira..." She whined, "Our son was in danger!" she pointed out to which he scratched his head.

"Yeah, yeah he was, Kali. But he isn't now! And heck, he was merciful enough to kill the Beowolf before I could get my hands on it." He laughed, blood lust seeping out as he mentioned the beowolf.

"MOM! DAD! I GOT MY SEMBLANCE!" Y/n shouted completely unfazed by the events as he hops out of bed to run up to and hug them. "Big sis said my eyes got all glowly and the beowolf just turned to dust!" He shouted excitedly as the three of them entered a loving embrace.

Y/n's excitement put the Belladonna family at ease. More so as the boy grew up with no noticeable problems. He and Blake still joined the White Fang but thanks to his good nature and wits he had picked up on the Fang's slow decline and left it, choosing instead to wander Remnant as the sole member of a new movement he called the Black Claw. On his grand adventure spreading peace and cheer between the two people he had been gifted a cane that would transform into a whip and a beautiful red katana said to sever immortality. Y/n knew better than to believe such a silly myth as there was no such thing as immortals. One day, as he was traveling through the wreckage of a village he met an adversary he could only fight in vein. This encounter finally unlocked his true semblance as a beowolf made of ash jumped out and gutted the unsuspecting beast. From there, armed with what he believed to be two semblances he was eventually scouted out by the master of Beacon Academy himself. Finally he could become the hunter he always dreamed of being. 

Y/n's story finally begun as he stepped out of the air ship and... why is he crying?


Y/n wakes up in pain as he looks down at his blood stained hands, bloody tears streaming from his eyes. He smacks the ground, leaving a noticeable crater, enraged. He slowly stood up and tore the sword free from his body as fire ignited from the wound and slowly healed it. Y/n looked at the bloodied sword, the reflection of his child self evident in the cracked and chipped metal. Throwing the sword away in disgust it shatters into pieces. Y/n spits up some blood at the shattered remains as he slowly left the room, his stone cold visage returning as he takes part in the first day of Beacon. Even in his long waited slumber is he tortured. There is no peace for someone like Y/n. Too many devils have made a deal with him for him to be allowed rest....

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