[CH14]Dust To Dust

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"
Neo TTS = >Why<
Y/n Pov

I wave to Adam as i'm dropped off at the edge of Vale. After doing so I smash my face into a tree repeatedly trying to forget all the crap that I said.

Me-"Curse me and my acting skills!" I shout as my head makes the tree eventually fall over from the break. "Gwyn, why'd I choose to play such a happy go lucky guy?! Calming down Let's just get this over with."

And so I quickly made my way to the abandoned warehouse I was told we were meeting up at. Sure enough, inside were several Fang goons, Neo, Anri, and Roman.

Roman-"Ah and here he is. The man of the hour. Glad ya finally graced us with your appearance today Sekiro."

Me-"Chuckles Good to see ya two Wick. Hope our little scuffle didn't leave any bad blood between us."

Roman-"Bad blood is bad business and I don't do bad business."

Me-"Glad to hear it. So what's on the menu today?"

Roman-"Dust and lots of it. We're going to hit every dust shop in the city while we still can. Sekiro, you and Neo are gonna hit the half on the east side and we'll hit the half on the west." He spoke while pointing Anri and himself.

Anri-"Hold the fuck up. Me and Sekiro are bloody team ya wanker!"

Roman-"Rolls eyes It's exactly that reason you and him shouldn't run together."

Anri-"The fuck does that mean?!"

>Roman believes that we'll end up working together more often so it'd be better to do things like this.<

Roman-"Exactly! Thank you Neo!"

Neo smiles

"Simply put it'd be much better for us to get some chemistry as a team. I'll work with Sekiro on our next job and Neo will work with you ok? Ok."

Anri-"Fine but i'm not gonna enjoy workin with a dick 'ead like you."

Roman-"Feelings mutual fox bitch."

Me-"Cuts in At least you agree on something. Neo, be a dear and round up our crew. We'll head out and hit our stores early. Bet we can finish before them."

Neo hops up from the crates she was sitting on salutes and pulls a sign out from nowhere with the words "Aye aye captain" before skipping away happily.

Me-"Wonderful! Well I wish the two of you the best of luck."

Anri-"I ain' losin another competition. Come on fuck boy we got dust to steal." She then proceeds to grab Roman by the back of his collar and drag him along.


We return to the present with me and Neo sitting atop of a roof opposite of the first dust shop on our hit list. I'm sitting at the edge of it while Neo sits atop one of the vents. [Hot ass]


Me-"What's up?"

>How do you not know about ice cream? Like it's only one of the greatest treats known to man<

Me-"There's a lot of stuff I don't know. Used to live in a village far off of Vale. Thing is I was too young to remember most things when it was attacked by Grimm. Bastards fucked it up to the point you'd be amazed to learn there was even a village there."

>So you're an orphan? How'd you survive the woods? That place must've been crawling with grimm.<

Me-"Figured out my semblance."

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