
1.9K 63 36

Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

[Y/n shall join the expedition]

[Hey! So you see that .3? I've decided i've left y'all waiting long enough for another chapter BUT BUT BUT I simply do not have enough ideas to keep this chapter going any further than 1k words. So it's 1/3s a chapter. I hope that seeing y'all here might help me get the creative juices flowing.]

[It is VERY important that y'all shoot me ideas. Any idea will do, I just need things to kickstart my mind.]
3rd Pov

"Tell me, how do you view Y/n? As a person and as a teammate?" Glynda asked as she had each member of his temp team sat in her office.

"He's a pest and refuses to follow orders."

"What Cinder said."

"He's pretty chill." Mercury spoke last, ignoring his teammates glares. "But till he can follow the bosses orders he's a problem." He reaffirmed their sentiment.

Glynda nodded, "And if I were to allow you to take on a job as a three member team you'd accept?"

Cinder nods, "It'd be a terrible idea to do any job without proper team cohesion. And I will not risk my team for some edgy lone wolf."

Glynda hummed before tapping away on her scroll. After a few seconds she spoke, "You've been granted clearance to do a three person job. Y/n shall be assigned to one of Beacon's first year teams till the end of his assignment. Is this alright with you?" She questioned.

"It's great Miss Goodwitch," Cinder replied.

"Excellent. Send Y/n in so that I may explain to him the current arangement." Glynda ordered as she watched the trio leave.

The door closed and after a few minutes reopened to the sight of Y/n still in his plague doctor get up much to Glynda's annoyance.

Y/n spoke in his usual monotone voice, "You requested my summons, Miss Goodwitch?"

Glynda rolled her eyes and replied, "Yes Y/n, I have called for you. It's about the upcoming assignments."

"What of it?"

"You shall be paired up with Team RWBY. Headmaster Ozpin and I have deemed your teams cohesion is not up to par. So as not to cause any accidents, we have decided to split you up."

Y/n rolled his eyes under the mask, 'Figured our little scrawbles would cause this.' "Why Team RWBY?" He questioned.

"As stated before team cohesion is important. From what we've recorded you're on good terms with three fourths of the team. It is for that reason that you're being grouped with them."

"Is there anything else I should be aware of?"

"No, nothing at the moment. Though, fair warning, those four seem to get into trouble regardless of the situation."

Y/n turns to leave and speaks, "It's nothing I can't deal with." With that he exits the room and begins his walk to the RWBY dorm. 'Splitting the team will be far easier this way.' He mentally applauded his circumstance. The door shuts as a new opens. This door being held by none other than the leader of Team RWBY.

"Oh, what brings you here Y/n?" She asked cheerfully, getting the attention of her teammates.

Y/n looked behind her to confirm if the team was present before coughing into his fist, "I was not sure if you were made aware of the mission arrangemnts so i'm here to confirm that. Till the end of whatever assignment your team chooses to take part in, I shall be tagging along as a temporary fifth member." Blake perked up at what she had thought to be great luck on her end.

Yang piped up, "But why though? You're already part of a team."

Y/n huffed, "My air quotes team, finds the fact that I won't listen to the bitches orders till she proves her worth to be a problem. But, that's neither here nor there. I'm here and i'm stuck with you lot till the mission is over." He answered with annoyance as he sat against the wall.

Ruby seemed excited at the prospect and began to babble on about their plan to take a mission as to infiltrate a supposed White Fang base that is all but confirmed to be there.

'Shall I twist the knife?' Y/n thought as he side eyed at Blake who was listening to Ruby but taking the occasional glance his way. 'Let's do it.'

Y/n coughed into his hand to gain the attention of the team only to be sidelined by a package sliding into the room. "Oh! I left the door open," Ruby said with an embarrassed blush. The box flew open as a corgi of all things jumped out of the box and onto Y/n's lap.

'The abyss is so intense within this small beast. Reminds me of the Majulan pigs.' Y/n thought as the horrid creature began to lick at the teen.

"Zwei!" Ruby shouted, naming the abomination, and calling it away from its onslaught. "Why are you here?" She asked as Yang pulled a note from the box.

"Dear girls," she started, "something has come up so I had to leave Patch for some time. In this box is everything Zwei will need for a few weeks. Take care, Tai."

Y/n's brow quirked at the sight of the mutt jumping into the box, tipping it over, and scattering dozens of canned dog food. He heard Ruby mumble something under her breath right as a can opener fell out and bonked Zwei on the head.

"Oh, there it is. Perfect." Ruby said happily as she pointed towards the door. "All right team, let's go get our mission!"

"What about the mutt?" Y/n asked to which Ruby simply pointed to the animal who had somehow opened one of the cans on its own while everyone was looking away. Y/n, satisfied, left with the group.

Timeskip [Hey look at that. I ran out of transition ideas.]

Y/n and co. stood around Ruby as she tapped away at a screen only to get a big sign saying 'First year entry denied'

"Sounds about right," Y/n noted. "First years are far too inexperienced for culling beasts."

"What are we supposed to do now?" Yang thought aloud.

"We could ship ourselves there," Ruby offered.

As the team began to speak amongst themselves, Y/n smelt Ozpin coming and cast his gaze in the man's direction. "Ah, team RWBY, tell me, have you found the mission you wish to recieve?" He asked eyeing the obvious flashing of the device behind them. "You know," he moved past the team and started tapping at the machine, "there's been some interesting rumors spreading across Vale."

The screen turns a bright green, "Tales of rose petals appearing in a bar and the like." The team tensed, "Though rumors are rumors. I doubt there's any basis on them." He smiled as he looked over the group and paused on Y/n, taking a sip of his coco, "I wish you luck on your mission." The man leaves the five.

'So the man has some gut,' Y/n thought as he mulled over his moves. 'Changes nothing.... no, maybe I could move my revenge up a few. It would throw Cinder's out of wack but it would be quite the spectacle.' A grin etches itself across his face, 'I can see it now.'

The world dims as the spiraling insanity of Y/n's mind began to turn.

[Sorry I couldn't come up with more! I genuinely got nothin but poor excuses to explain it to y'all. Writers block is real BUT I owe it to you, my readers, my followers, and easily one of my biggest joys to keep the work flowing.

Again I apologize.

God I hope I can come up with something...]

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