[CH6]Duel & Questions?

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Y/n-'Promising.' He thought as he watched Weiss fight the beast. 'Young and yet she already has some skills. With polish she could become a fine hunter. Her on the other hand...'

Ruby-"You can do it Weiss!" A knife embeds itself into the desk. "Eep!"

Y/n-'How did someone so childish end up here?' He glared at the girl who could only blush meekly. "Silence." He states simply as he turns back to the fight.

The fight continued on normally. Weiss fought admirably and managed to fend off and defeat the boar even after losing her weapon. Port congratulated her on her victory and dismissed the class. Ruby pulled the knife out of the desk, with a little effort, and made her way to Y/n. Y/n looked at her and accepted the knife.

Y/n-"If you want your teammates dead it's easier to stab them in the back."

Ruby-"I what?! No I was just trying to--"

He put his hand over her mouth and sighed. Without another word he left for combat class.

Y/n-'With this people should want to avoid me.' He thought as he walked down the halls. 'Even pretending to care enough to be an asshole is annoying.' He continued. 'Those eyes though... Ozpin, if you betray me...'


Glynda-"Greetings class, I am Glynda Goodwitch. I will be your combat instructor. It is my job to teach you how to fight human opponents. First matter of the day. Dueling. Do I have any volunteers."

Several arms raised as each student was eager to show off their skills.

Glynda-"Mister Winchester." A tall orange haired lad walked forward. "Do you have an opponent of choice or would you prefer I pick them?"

The teen only grinned as he pointed his mace at Y/n. Picking him out from the crowd.

???-"I want to fight mister edge lord over there. He talks big but I bet that's all he is."

Glynda-"Y/n do you accept the duel?"

Y/n-"Only to set an example." He stoically states. "I will not have my skills questioned."

Glynda-"Remember Y/n this is a mock battle."

Y/n-"Miss Goodwitch do you take me for a fool?" He glares as he steps up to the stage. "I promise you I will not lay a single finger on him."

Cardin laughed as he stepped onto the stage himself.

Cardin-"I'm going to make you wish you were never born." He threatens to which Y/n rolls his eyes.

A hologram appears with a picture of the two combatants. Glynda looks to the hologram and then to the combatants. Giving the go ahead, Cardin wastes no time and dashes towards Y/n who stands stoically. Swinging his mace he missed as Y/n moves into a spin kick and strikes him in the stomach.

Cardin falls to the floor and rolls to the side as to dodge a stomp but wasn't given any time to recover as it was followed up by an axe kick that dropped his aura close to the red. Y/n then looks to the crowd and speaks.

Y/n-"I am not a fan of showing off. However this man has forced my hand." As he speaks Cardin is recovering. "You doubt my skills and while I normally would not care I have a simple goal in this school." Cardin slowly makes his way to Y/n while raising his mace.

Yang-'Oh this is gonna be good.' She thinks as she holds her hand over Ruby's mouth.

Y/n-"I want to be ignored. The last thing I need is to be constantly bothered." Cardin swing his mace with all his strength and it connects. Y/n's head takes the full strike of the attack. "And if I have to beat one or two of you so be it." He states as if nothing happened. Kicking behind him Cardins aura, along with something else, shatter.

Will I Ever Rest [Cancelled]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora