[CH4]End Of Initiation

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

Y/n Pov

I watch on as the girl shouts in panic as she falls to her death. That was when something truly miraculous happened. Another person crashed into her and forced them both into a nearby tree.

Me-'How does that work? She was falling from an incredible height and lived. This world makes no sense.' Sylvia then catches my attention as she pecks at my hat. Looking up I see her crane her neck to the right. To my right a girl with black hair was staring at me. "What do you want?"

The girl broke out of her stupor and went red in presumed embarrassment. I let out a small huff and return my attention to the girl in the tree, who is now hugging Yang reminding me of the other girls name. Next thing I see is an orange haired girl break the hug and take one of the relic pieces.

She was then interrupted from her singing, thankfully, by her partner who seemed to be just as annoyed with her antics as I am. This group was soon interrupted by yet another person, who was also flung into the group. She of course brought trouble in the form of a large scorpion beast. It stood at the edge of the treeline proving some intellect. Sure it could take them all on but eight to one is a hard and pointless fight.

???-"I can't believe you left me here!" A feminine shout came from the sky.

Looking up I see another girl riding what looked to be a giant raven. That must've been what the red cloaked girl fell off of.

Ruby-"I said to jump!"

As if on queue the raven flipped upside down for a brief second and threw the girl off. Pointing to her I speak.

Me-"Slow her descent Sylvia." Sylvia flew from my hat and hooked her talons onto the back of the girls shirt. 'That won't be enough.' I think as I walk towards the spot she'll fall to and open my arms.

The girl quickly fell into my arms with a surprised yelp. Sylvia jumped back to my hat as the girl turned her head to see who caught her. For some reason she gained a look of anger followed by a blush before quickly getting out of my arms with a huff.

???-"This doesn't excuse you for slapping me!" She states while looking away. "But thank you for saving me."

Me-"That's the only time i'm saving you. You earned that much after the stunt with the bird." I reply while turning to the scorpion getting more antsy. "Now you all should go. You only need the relics and I can easily distract the scorpion long enough for you to get a lead."

Ruby-"Wait! What about you?!" She annoyingly spoke up. "I won't let you fight that thing alone!" She stated as she tried to run ahead of me.

Grabbing her by the end of her cape I rip her away from the action and into the arms of her sister.

Me-"You still want to be a hero? Then you shouldn't throw yourself at every instance of danger. You'll die to early to be remembered and to late to matter. Yang I trust you can get... Rudy out of here." I don't let them answer as I begin running towards the scorpion.

What followed was a simple game of dodge everything. The beast was far too slow to be of any real threat to me, at least alone. After a few moments I heard the shuffling of feet and have Sylvia confirm if they all left. With a chirp of confirmation I run from the scorpion.

Ozpin Pov

I watch as Y/n started creating distance between himself and the deathstalker when I notice something. He had pulled out an unusually large feather. Crouching down the air seemed to pulse around him as he began to turn to dust and disappear. Glynda began to worry but I stood unfazed.

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