Chapter 11

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-February 2019-

Josh's POV:

It's 5 AM, I have this horrible head ache due to the stress of everything that happened yesterday. I tried sleeping for a bit but it only made the head ache worse. And now I have to get to set.

"I heard that coffee takes a head ache away." Said Claire, she couldn't sleep either so she Face-timed me. 

"Ew, I hate coffee, I don't know how mom and dad like it." I responded, brushing my teeth.

"Yeah, I guess..." She said.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked, knowing she wasn't paying attention to our conversation anymore.

"I don't even know." She sighs. "You know, I always thought I wanted to be a cheerleader. I grew up with that. But now that I got kicked out of the team... I realized I'm not really passionate about it."

"Oh." I responded. She can't quit. She loves cheer-leading! "I know how you feel. I felt the same once." I connected with her.

"You wanted to be a cheerleader?" She said trying her best not to laugh.

"No, silly! I felt the same with theater. When I auditioned for my first musical I really didn't know what I was doing. Gosh, I was 8! I'm 18 and I still don't know what I'm doing! Image me back then!" I realized, making her laugh. "I didn't think much about becoming an actor. But then Winter went off to college, and told me her friend was looking for auditions for a car ad. So I gave it a shot, aaaaand I didn't get it." I laughed. "But those producers introduced me to other people who were also giving auditions, so I auditioned, but I didn't pass any of them. To be honest, I never thought of why I kept auditioning if I knew I was going to get a no. But like I said, I've never really had any idea of what I'm doing! Anyways, Winter called me and convinced me to audition for a Disney show. She told me I'd fit the character perfectly, so I auditioned and got the part-"

"Oh, stuck in the middle?" She asked.

"Yep. It was a nice experience. But after the show was over I didn't have anything to do. I didn't have a job or anything like that, so I went and auditioned for a couple of other things, but I didn't get anything. So I quit. I missed it for a day or two, but I wasn't going back because I kept getting 'no'." I said pausing to get in the car. "Buuuuuut, one of the people I met in my first audition called me. They were like 'Hey, our team thinks you have potential and we want you to audition for another Disney project.' and I was of course going to say no, but then I realized I had no life so I auditioned." I explained, making Claire laugh once again. "And I got the part! and now I'm here, a main character in a Disney series that doesn't even have an official tittle yet! And I don't know what I would've done if I had rejected the offer!" I finished, parking to get Starbucks.

"Seriously, all that just to tell me not to quit?" She asked yawning.

"No, I made you laugh too." I said taking more credit. "I didn't tell you not to quit. I'm just telling you to not let what other people say or do get to- wait hold on, I'm about to order." I paused. I could hear Claire crack up. I don't know why she laughed so hard, but it made me laugh a little too.

"Anyways," I said when I got back in the car. "Don't...."  I paused realizing that Claire was still laughing. "Why are you laughing so much?" I asked.

"Becuase...." She said calming down. "When you were about to order you shifted your camera to the right, so I was able to the see man behind you..." She started laughing again. "He.... He didn't see your phone right away......And he was picking his nose..." She started laughing even harder. I started to laugh too. "But then...he.... he saw me..... and realized I was he ran... he ran away!" She said in between laughs. I was kind of dumb but the way she said it made me crack up with her.

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