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Alice POV

My body felt like it was barely held together.

Jesse helped me into a wheelchair since my muscles were shaking. Walking was not going to happen after that appointment. I could barely stand.

We made our way back into my hospital room in silence, tears streaming as I curled into a ball. He helped me to the bathroom and shut the door behind himself, letting me know he would go get my medications and fresh drinks then be back in a few.

Physical therapy was worse than I expected. 

Doctor Edwards' plan was simple.  She wanted me to meet the Physical Therapist she intended me to see over the next few months.  The therapist was wonderful but all the manipulations made my hip and back ache more than I ever expected. 

I washed my face with cool water a few times, scrubbing over and over to cleanse the tears away. Moments like this I was thankful for contact lenses I could sleep in. No need to dig around my swollen eyes to pry them out right now before I crawl into bed.  I had backup glasses I considered throwing on to give my eyes a break but was too exhausted to even make that choice.

Now, all I need is rest.

There was a knock at the bathroom door and I heard Jesse's muffled voice say something about being back.  I finished up, drying my face and brushing my hair but knew I would feel better after giving my body a break.

Once I opened the bathroom door, I saw Jesse was stationed with one of the staff laptops, updating my medical records. "Ready, Liss?" I nodded, holding the wall as I slowly moved ahead. My feet slid out of my shoes and I left them on the floor while crawling into bed, allowing Jesse to hook the IV back up and get my meds going. "Doc also gave me a muscle relaxer for you, okay?"

I nodded, but heard movement by the doorway and turned to look past Jesse. Remington, Benji, and Greg entered a moment with smiles on their faces.

"Lissy, Greg and I are gonna go watch a movie. Can you babysit Remi?" Benji used an extremely condescending voice to ask this question which made me laugh instantly.  I nodded, scooting around in bed to make room as soon as I realized what they had planned.

Remington just shut his eyes in embarrassment and let out a chuckle.   

"I'd be happy to. Let me know if you need me to stay late, Mr. Lowe, but I will need a ride home afterwards," I answered in a matter-of-fact voice.   Benji snickered, making his way next door to his hospital room, while Greg gave me a bright grin before waving and following along.

Jesse was laughing as he watched everything happen, poking quiet fun of Remi as he moved next to me.  I noticed this time he brought his backpack along and was curious what he had in mind. He set it on the bed and pulled out his laptop and phone, unpacking a few more items onto my side table while Jesse continued getting my medications handled.   I watched Remi slowly crouch down to plug in his laptop before standing, peering over the edge of the bed as he stood.

He jumped when he stood, my presence startling him.  Remington asked, "Can I help you?" playfully while I laughed, scooting over to make room for him while he sat down and adjusted a spare pillow behind his back.

"So, what's all this about?" I asked while Remington grinned and joined me, pulling the blankets up over us and tucking them in. 

"I have some movies on my Apple TV account so figured we could pick one and watch," he answered, grinning while he moved the tray table over top of the hospital bed and adjusted the laptop screen so it was the right height for both of us. Remington logged in and pulled up the menu, "I figured this way we could just relax."

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