twenty two

192 27 10

Remington POV

A soft voice whispered into my ear, "Remi? We're heading out..."

I blinked and shook my head, waking myself from the nap I had apparently taken through the climax of the movie.  My head was fuzzy, filled with memories of Reese woven with glimmers of Liss.  Her gentle touch, the way she tickled my neck, how her voice sounded saying my name.  The small moments of contact where I felt a deep connection I knew meant this wasn't over for us.

What is it I've heard Alice say?  "Eat the elephant a bite at a time."

We needed to get DNA testing done to confirm.

Then we need to somehow explain this to him.

My eyes met Liss and she smirked, "Good morning, sunshine." 

Benji gave me a genuinely disappointed look, "You missed the best part, Remi."  He let out a sigh, shaking his head but stifling a yawn.

My heart sank, "I'm so sorry, Benji!" The realization I had let him down struck even harder now that I knew who he was.

I have a brother.  It does not matter that we have different moms.  If anything this just makes me care about Alice even more, knowing the love she has poured into him so diligently for years.

Of course we need to get testing and whatever done but come on.

I glanced at a photo of Reese on the wall as Benji approached, "Oh, so did you want to come over tomorrow?"

My eyes met his and I looked back and forth, frozen a moment.

They both had light freckles from time in the sun.

Reese had lighter hair but Benji has the same nose and jawline.  I noticed his eyes were a darker blue like me, too, which made me smile.

Maybe we do look kind of alike.  I wonder if he'll look even more like me as he gets older.  He hasn't really hit puberty yet or had his voice change so stands to reason...

He waved his hand in my face, "Earth to Remington? Anyone home?"

I started laughing at his joke and saw Alice standing by my Dad with wide eyes, shaking her head at me. "Sorry, wow, I guess this IPA that Jesse brought along was stronger than I realized."  Benji slugged me in the shoulder with his camo cast then groaned and "Ow" while we laughed.

Jesse looped his arm over my shoulder and shook his head sadly, "Just admit it, Rem. You're an old man and you just cannot handle your liquor anymore."

"How old are you?" Benji asked, smiling now and relaxing his stance.

I groaned, rolling my shoulders and stretching my back in the process,"Twenty eight..."

"But not for long!" Dad chimed which made Alice instantly turn her head with a look of excitement on her face. "I always thought it was pretty neat you were born on the fourth of July. Shoulda named you Yankee Doodle Dandy."

The entire room roared in laughter at Dad's perfectly timed joke, a surprise from him after he spent most of the evening quietly observing.

Benji moved to my dad to gently pat his back, "That was incredible, Greg!" He continued laughing and walked to kitchen where Alice was now chatting with Doc and Daisy.  The ladies were putting tupperware containers into their bags so they could pack everything to go.  I noticed a plate with two cupcakes covered with plastic wrap and left on the counter.

Alice even thought to leave an extra cupcake for each of us.

My eyes locked with Dad and we shared a knowing smile as Benji walked away.

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