My happy pill (SONG MINGI)

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My happy pill ∞♡*♥
Written by @seongwrites

You were finally admitted to the hospital as it was the day you were going to meet your daughter today.

Your water broke. And a few hours were left until she was coming.

The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds.

And you were just 10cm and ready to start pushing. It was you the nurse. Usually, it's just mom, dad, and a nurse but in your case it was different. Your husband Mingi was in the Military.

When the baby starts to come down the nurse call the doctor and possibly another nurse.


You held onto your stomach." I think she is coming." you sounded hysterical.

"Wait. Omg really?" your mom said.

"Let's go." you barely could stand the pain.

You arrived at the hospital in time. You were lucky. Only one room was available. Room 8.


Laying in the bed, the pain was clear on your face. You screamed every five seconds, hoping the baby would shoot out easily.

Though, that wasn't the case.

"This isn't good." Doctor exclaimed. He widened his eyes. "It looks like something is wrong with her. It's the umbilical cord. It's wrapped around her neck."

"What does that mean?!" you yelled through your pushing and pain.

"If we don't get the baby out now, she will die." the doctor said.

"Do a C- section, " the nurse said.

It's too late. By the time I get ready that the baby will be dead. I am sorry, but we are going to rely on faith alone for this." The doctor said.

You thought to yourself: Please come out baby girl. I held you warm in me long enough. It's time to come out and see the world. Why did I have to drink in the first two months of my pregnancy? This is all my fault. Not only is she premature but she has a cord choking her. If she doesn't make it, I vow to end my own life. I don't deserve to live without her.

Without your husband, you felt worst. The moment you got to know you were pregnant you can't celebrate this moment with your husband because he went to the military 5 days ago. And you had to carry this baby alone.

The baby didn't seem like she wanted to come out, anyway. Her head popped back into your body so quickly. Because of the blood being slippery, the doctor couldn't get a good grip on the head. It wasn't until the next long push that got the job done. Half the baby exited your body and the doctor was able to pull out the rest of the body.

Immediately after the doctor cut the cord from around her neck, the crying baby girl was put on the chest.

A minute based by and the nurse took the baby to clean her up and do a few tests. Meanwhile, you saw a figure of someone. It was Mingi in his military uniform.

He was back.

"You. Noo. Are you back Mingi?" you started crying.

"No, it's just my soul, " he said that and ran to you and hugged you.

Both of you couldn't stop crying. And at that time. The nurse brought the baby to you.

You held the baby girl. "She is so pretty." you smiled.

"Yes just like you," Mingi replied.

"What shall I named her?" you asked Mingi.

"Um..How about Cho hee?" Mingi suggested.

"I like that," you said and kissed her on her forehead.

The next thing you know, she has your and Mingi's little bundle of joy is in your arms.

The happiness of your life / happy pill was born.

The end

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