Chapter 21

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"If you keep doing it in this tempo, you'll never finish me."

"Don't rush it... I need time for good work."

"Yeah it'll be fine... give or take a few centuries."

"You tend to come late, 's not my fault."

Louis rolled his eyes at the comment and ignored how Harry showed a judging look to him, since he accidentally moved his head as well. He couldn't stand staying still, too much spare energy stopped him from calming down, making it harder for the younger one to finish his masterpiece.

The plan was that all of them meet at 7 pm - except for Niall, who promised he's gonna join them after work - put on their costumes, let Harry do their makeup and head to the halloween party of the dorm. Louis and Zayn obviously appeared later, forcing the others to wait for the older boy to finally get his makeup perfectly done.

"It looks so cool, H" Liam tilted his chin and turned his head a bit more left to see every detail of the makeup on his face in the mirror. "You're truly the artist of the squad."

The curly headed one just smiled like shy 12 years old girls who got compliments from their mom, and focused on smearing the black spots under Louis' eyes with his thumb instead of the brush.

Liam's got a cool terminator makeup, which looked like his skin kind of broke on the right side of his face. Paired with the black jeans, chains on his belt, boots and leather jacket he looked incredibly attractive and a bit dangerous at the same time.

If anyone, Zayn could confirm that, for sure. Ever since they had arrived, he kept staring at the boy, but tried not to make it too obvious by talking to Ellie instead.

It's not like the black haired boy had a reason to complain.

He chose skinny jeans, riding boots, a turtleneck shirt and a long-sleeved dark blue coat. Two lines of buttons ran up on the front side of it, but he stopped doing the last few of them, making the collars look bigger and more loosened. He only had eyeliners on, so long story short, Zayn was probably the hottest pirate of all time.

"Alright, 's done." Harry stepped back to muster the final look, then smiled so happily as the other turned to the mirror and gasped.

"Shit, this is awesome..." Louis sounded astonished when he whispered the words and tried out different grimaces. "Babe, you're so talented."

" 'm glad you like it." he laughed pushing back a curl behind his ear. He felt like the Joker makeup - in Heath Ledger's style - turned out pretty sick, but actually hearing the compliments made his heart pound faster and faster.

"And what are you gonna wear?" Ellie put her chin on Harry's shoulder from the behind. Her eyes were literally sparkling, she was so excited about the whole night. They were about to attend to a party as a group for the first time in their life, and it looked like after the Irish one would join, finally nobody was going to miss.
Harry and Louis were happy together, the nonstop tension between Liam and Zayn was always entertaining and she had the chance to spend some time with Niall again.

Ellie was part of the coolest squad of all time and she couldn't be happier about it.

" 'm gonna do mine in ten minutes. It's quite simple." the curly headed one let out a short laughter, then left them in the room without further explanation.

Harry truly didn't need a lot of time to get himself together. He put on a black satin shirt, purposely forgot to do a few of the buttons, then completed the outfit with skinny jeans and the usual boots. Dark brown powder got under his eyes in a thin line, making him look more tired, then the cheekbones and jawline got highlighted with it. With the help of eyeliner, reddish lipstick, a small amount of fake blood in the corner of his mouth and two small fangs stuck to his teeth with a special kind of glue, the most simple and probably the gayest vampire of all time was ready to leave.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora