Chapter 31

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"Oh my god."


"What made you think out of EVERYONE I wanna talk to YOU?"

Louis rolled his eyes and walked in without waiting for an invitation. One glance at the room was enough to see their friend wasn't doing well. Chocolate and soft drinks were all over the room, while the netflix series just got paused on the laptop so she could open the door.

Ellie crossed her arms in front of her chest, after pulling the cardigan together and closing the door. She sat down on the ground next to the laptop and Louis did the same.

"No offense, but I'd rather watch something super romantic right now, than talk to you. Or anyone." she mumbled, playing with the edge of her cardigan, but Louis just handed over a bottle of beer that he pulled out of the bag he brought.

"I didn't come here to be the shoulder you cry on," he popped open his bottle and took a sip. "I came to bring you a drink. Why the hell did you even try all of these cliché girl stuff to get over of what happened? You're not the kind of girl who needs a box of chocolate, tissues and soft words to get herself together."

Ellie seemed surprised and impressed at the same time. A pale smile crept across the perfect line of her lips and she opened the beer to take a huge gulp.

"How was the trip?"

"Better than I imagined," Louis nodded and his features softened. "He did so well."

"I didn't doubt that," the girl bit her lower lip. "And did you...? You know, pulled a zellie?"

Louis needed a moment to understand, then remembered the small lecture of Harry about 'the shipnames' and what the hell they were. A zellie... oh he wished he could forget that party in september which ended so bittersweet for him, but apparently firmed the bond between his best friend and the girl.

"My god, we're adults, no need to use code names." Louis laughed, but the other shushed him with a nudge.

"But it's so much more elegant, than asking if you fucked my best friend or not."

"Alright, true" he agreed as he took another gulp of the quite bitter drink. "And since you're so interested in our relationship... yeah. We did it."

Ellie couldn't hide her smile; although her life had fallen apart almost two days ago, the news about theirs lifted her mood a bit. After all she was by Harry's side and kind of suffered through the insecure and terrible phases with them, so now seeing them more and more in love every day gave her hope that happy ends did exist.

"Should I call you Toplinson now?"

Louis burst out laughing, almost spitting the beer on the floor. He wiped his mouth and started shaking his head while still having a hard time to hold it back. "God, please no."

She also smiled, but that tiny amount of happiness vanished in a second as her phone started ringing. It was Liam. For the hundreth time in two days.

"You won't pick it up...?"

"No, he would be too caring and I just finished crying before you came." she put the phone aside and had more sips of the beer instead. The glint from her eyes was gone again and Louis knew he had to push the limits, if he wanted to help.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, I don't care enough to ask twice," he spoke finally knowing that the farfetched indolence would trick her into another pale smile. "But you actually helped me when I was down, so I'm here to ruin our hateful relationship and return the favour."

Ellie was clearly deliberating in silence for awhile, having more beer in the meantime to feel better. Of course she was well aware that Louis wasn't about to become her best friend, but lately they were actually nice to each other and she realised the reason behind their changeable approach was that they were too similar. Talking to him was probably the better option, than any of her other friends. She knew he wouldn't judge him, since he was just as big of a jerk in september as she was about to be now.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon