Chapter 41

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"Louis dont-know-your-middle-name Tomlinson, get down of the banister!" Niall shouted right after he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "It's gonna be a lot of paperwork for me if you fall down and die here, please behave!"

"Calm down dad, I'm stable." the older boy rolled his eyes, but as he tilted his head back to let the last drops of beer slide into his mouth, he almost proved the opposite. In the last second, he saved himself by putting his foot behind one of the pillars, so a smug, drunken smile crept across his face. Problem solved, now he could only fall forward.

"Come down, I have tequila!" the blonde one tried once again, cause he was having too much fun at the lake house to let someone ruin it with death. Nah, this was a good night, nobody could destroy the after-party of the Horampics.

"No, I'm gonna stay here and watch all of you doing stupid shit," he yelled back from the top of the banister. "This is how being a god must feel like."

However, Niall had enough; he knew he had to drop the bomb. "If you don't get down right now, my girlfriend will say something which I guarantee you don't wanna hear."

"Oh I'm shaking, so scared." the other snorted, still dangerously close to the edge and the possibility of actually falling downstairs. He decided the stairs and the banister were his kingdom now, so he didn't plan to give up on it that simply.

"Alright, you wanted it... Ells, darling come here!"

"Yes?" she rushed to him, seemingly tired from dancing in the living room.

"He doesn't wanna come down, would you help?"

"Easy. Hey, Tomlinson!" she put an arm around her boyfriend, while grinning at the footballer. "For your information: me and Niall did it there."

Louis slid down the banister faster than the speed of light.

"You're gross, why would anyone fuck on the stairs?" he pulled a face of total discomfort, getting a proud smile from the girl.

"Because Niall was already sitting there, writing a song or something and he looked irresistible," she bit her lower lip and raised an eyebrow as she glanced at her boyfriend. "And patience isn't my strong suit."

"My god, get a room." Louis groaned and the cheeky answer came immediately.

"Why? Nobody's on the stairs anymore."

"I need another drink..." he murmured, heading to the living room. Zayn was already there in the middle of making something that only polite people would of called a cocktail, while Harry was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his messages.

He ignored the younger one completely and stumbled to his best friend. "I need a real drink, not a potion from your favourite wizard movies."

"First of all, I'm proud of you for trying to say something Harry Potter related, even if you failed horribly," he smiled at him, then grabbed the glasses. "But this isn't for you."

"When did I stop being the center of your attention...?"

"You have Harry to adore you, don't be so fucking greedy."

Louis watched him leave the house with the drinks, but didn't really care about it. His mind felt foggy ever since they've started to drink seriously to chase away all the bad thoughts that attacked him after the argument. Zayn's mysterious business with the drinks didn't hit the level which would of made him interested at this point of being wasted. He was already deliberating what to replace the cocktails with, when a careful voice startled him.

"Maybe you should stop drinking beer and have some water instead." Harry looked up at him, speaking just loud enough to surpass the music.

"Maybe you should worry about your problem instead."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now