Chapter 58

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The late afternoon spring wind was howling outside of the house; it was almost like the nature insisted on providing the perfect atmosphere for the already bad mood in the living room. As the level of stress increased, the tension in the air became more and more firm, like it could of been literally cut with a knife - and there was only one person who couldn't deal with the pressure anymore.

"Okay, that's it" Ellie huffed, slamming her book on the table before crossing her arms in front of her chest. "This is bullshit, I'm not doing this anymore."

"Ells, we started studying like ten minutes ago." Harry spoke slowly, getting an even more grumpy look from her.

"Meaning I totally deserve a break now. It's ridiculous, how many more art trends could there be, huh? Why can't you all just choose one direction and go with it?"

" 's not how artists work..."

Seeing the slightly hurt expression on his face, her features softened and she slowly picked up the book again. She opened it where they left off, and did her best to hit a kind tone even in the middle of an existential crisis.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like modern art is stupid, it's just frustrating that... I'm too stupid for it."

"You're not. 's actually quite simple, if you focus on the differences."

"And if that helps, you can't do worse than you did in your cooking class last week." Niall added, getting a pillow in his face right away. Normally his girlfriend would of appreciated hearing his sweet laughter, but this time it only made her mood worse.

"Yeah go ahead and laugh while you can! If we ever move in together, you're gonna be the one eating the meals I make anyway."

"What a beautiful short life that will be." The blonde one grinned, whereupon another cushion ended up thrown in his face.

Harry started shaking his head with a smile in the corner of his lips and turned pages to find the paragraph that was talking about neo-impressionism.
The end of april put a huge weight on their shoulders, since the final exams of their first year were coming closer and closer, scaring them more by each passing day. Ellie would of rather faked her death to avoid doing the finals - and maybe she would of truly done it, if there wasn't a curly headed guy in her group of friends. It was his idea to do these little studying afternoons in their favourite footballers' house, so they could keep the faith in each other throughout the whole process of suffering for good grades.
Niall and Ellie could help each other the most, considering that their majors were the same, while Harry and the girl shared that one Modern Painting class which came in handy; especially when she found out it wasn't just about painting shit, it had a real academic part as well. She had to actually MEMORIZE art stuff. Outrageous.

Despite of being stressed about the exams, Harry's never felt more balanced in his entire life. Louis was right; the fire of their coming out died out after a few weeks and this past month has been promising. Almost not a single person cared about their public relationship anymore, getting called names became rare and even the older boy's team mates shut it now that they were well aware Louis didn't get a new chance at the trial team of Liverpool FC.
They didn't have to hide anymore and that affected both of them in such a developing way, Coach Hamilton once told him that he's never seen him play as good before as "when that curly headed punk was cheering for him on the bleachers."
All in all, Harry didn't mind studying for the finals with his friends - this was the only source of pressure in his life and after dealing with so much shit for so long, this was actually quite refreshing.
He hasn't had a single panic attack in weeks now.
And the constant presence of Louis was just the cherry on top.

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