Chapter 47

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The world stopped for a brief moment when their lips met. Everything has changed in a second; there was no exhibition, no training camp and definitely no judgement around them... they were just two boys with pure love blazing in their hearts.

Harry slowly pulled back a bit, trying to calm down the butterflies in his stomach that didn't seem to rest, not even for a moment. His whole demeanor turned to something else, a mix of emotions he's never felt before. Not a single proper thought crossed his mind, the chaos in his head sounded like Louis, god, he's here, oh my, Louis, what, how, LOUIS?!

"What are you doing here...?" the younger boy sniffled, quite emotional. He didn't let go of his suit, his grip was tight as if he was scared of waking up from this beautiful dream. "Won't you get in trouble for leaving the camp?"

"I've got a good alibi, don't worry" he smiled at him, while softly caressing his jawline. He couldn't get enough of touching him. "I'll get back early in the morning."

"So this was the surprise Miss Saville talked about...?" Harry sniffled again, hanging on every word of his footballer.

"I guess," he couldn't help but smile about how adorable he looked. "I told her I wanted to visit you, so she got me a ticket and kept it as a secret."

"I can't believe you're here." Harry whispered in the end, then pulled him into a tight hug. He shut his eyes and breathed in the scent of him that he was missing so freaking bad - he was even able to put his embarrassment aside, since there were actually so many people around them, nervously glancing in their direction. They didn't matter at all.
Only his other half did.

Louis felt the same way about their reunion, but he could hide it better than his free falling, emotional artist. These weeks were kind of hellish as he had never been forced to fight against discrimanation before, however, right in the very edge of giving it up, he was reborn like a phoenix from its ashes. A familiar face reminded him to forget about the rest of the world and remember of the lovely group of people who supported him through every trouble.
Before he appeared in his life, he could of never imagined he was capable of love, and now here he was, holding the best thing that has ever happened to him in his arms.

There was only one thing left that had to be clarified.

"Okay babe, seriously" Louis stepped back finally, raising both eyebrows as he woke up from the first wave of relief. "What the hell happened to your leg and why am I most likely the last one to know about it?"

Harry looked perplexed, judging only by his face he seemed to not understand the language he was speaking. The question took him by absolute surprise and being the shy, awkward boy he's always been, he couldn't even come up with a lie all of a sudden.

"Uhh..." he cleared his throat, but fortunately his family came to rescue without knowing he was in trouble, and interrupted them when they finally got to them in the crowd.

"Louis, darling I'm so glad to see you, how are you?" Anne showed her a wide, warm smile, while receiving a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek from the other.

"I'm fine, thanks. Sorry if I ruined a family event by coming."

"Oh c'mon, you're family as well." the woman answered immediately, then let go of the older boy so he could turn to Gemma and hug her as well.
Harry and his mom shared an emotional smile; seeing them like that after many years felt like coming home after such a long time.

"Hey," Gemma patted his back. "How's the camp going? How many times did you tell the other contestants to fuck off?"

"At least two times on a daily basis," he chuckled. "They're not making it easy to stay calm."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now