Chapter 27

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"Do I smell like a bonfire?"


"Man, I really don't know how to describe a bonfire, it has a quite telling name..."

"No, I do know what that is," Harry laughed briefly, then leaned a bit closer to take a sniff. "I think you're absolutely fine."

"Yes thank you, I know, but do I smell like a- "

Harry's laughter interrupted the silly question, which made Niall smile as well. These tiny happy moments were treasured more, ever since november had started.
The younger one glanced at him, as they were walking across the hall towards the main entrance. It was thursday, the only day when their schedules allowed them to have lunch together.

"Why did you ask? Did you smoke again?"

"Maybe," Niall cleared his throat, kinda nervous. "My brother decided to visit me today and I don't have time to go back to the dorm, before he gets here, so I was wondering how bad the situation is."

The other opened the door, while letting out a deep sigh just to show him that he didn't appreciate the news about his bad habit at all. Moreover, it went against everything they agreed on a few days ago.

"We promised that monday was an exception and we'll never smoke ever again. It wasn't that great and 's also unhealthy..."

"Yes I know, just..." the blonde boy shrugged, looking a bit regretful, cause he broke the promise. "...I had a mutual class with Ells in the morning and I felt like I need to clear my head, so I lit a cigarette after class. It's actually similar to sex, the first time you try, it isn't that good, but the more you try the better it gets."

Now that was something that destroyed the serious tone immediately and also made Harry laugh again. He rolled his eyes with a suppressed smile.

"Oh perfect metaphor for me, 'm such an expert in that..."

Niall furrowed his eyebrows, then spoke in a lower voice, so no one could hear the conversation that took a juicy turn. "Wait, you and Louis... I thought... not even on halloween's night?"

"No," he ran his fingers through the curls, hoping his cheeks didn't turn red. "And considering the situation, that's not going to change soon. This isn't an episode of Riverdale."

"What if that's what you need?" Niall started thinking out loud.

"An episode of Riverdale?"

"...god NO, I'm convinced the people who write their lines have never heard actual teens talking" he blinked, before showing that wide smile again. "I meant that you're both frustrated. Why not get rid of this frustration together?"

Harry was about to protest right away and talk about how getting laid won't solve any of his problems, but the more he was thinking about it, the more reasonable it sounded.
Actually, he might be onto something.

...Or he was just really desperate at this point and any campaign standing by the naughty side sounded right to him.

"You're not daydreaming about it now, right?" Apparently Niall dragged him out of his thoughts, but before he could of said anything to defend himself, the blonde boy nodded toward a bench not far from the entrance. "Perfect time to discuss it, he's coming here."

As Harry processed the words, he froze immediately. Louis was indeed heading right to them, leaving a couple of friends behind at the bench, who looked confused and interested. As if they were watching a freaking show.

"Hey, uhm can we talk?" the older boy stopped in front of them. He tried to control his body language and hold his emotions back as much as he could, but he still looked like a scared, nervous deer that got trapped in a cage.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt