Chapter 28

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"Wait, stop!"

"Don't tell me you changed your mind and we're not good."

"No, never" Harry laughed before shaking his head. One of the curls fell in front of his face and the other gently pushed it back behind his ear. "But you're going to be late from the practice."

"I'm gonna skip it."

The younger one frowned, thinking about pinching himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming and Louis really said that out loud. Didn't they have tons of arguments about how important football was for him...? Now he was about to skip a practice for nothing.
He let go off his shirt and sighed before answering with a heavy heart.

"Don't do it because of me, 's fine Lou."

"Bold of you to assume you're the reason," he raised both eyebrows, then ended the teasing with a soft laughter. "I wanted to fix this quickly, but I also had to take a short break from football."

"I thought that's your shelter."

"Yeah just..." he suddenly stopped, then a quite alarming expression flashed through his face. "...I need to sit down."

Louis only murmured the words as he made his way to the bed of the younger one and settled down as fast as he could. Now that the song helped and they made it up, the energy kinda vanished and a sudden wave of dizziness caught him again. It happened a lot lately, the world always felt like it was almost twirling around him. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall.

Signs of confusion appeared on Harry's face, as he witnessed the quick change in behavior. He opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, however, taking a good look at his boyfriend answered all of the silent questions. The dark circles under his eyes, the way his chest was rising up and down and the exhausted features altogether gave it away.

The curly headed boy fumbled in the tiny fridge under his table for a second, then pulled out a bottle of cold water and sat down next to the other.

"Here, drink this!" he wrapped Louis' fingers around it and tried to swallow all of the nervousness which caused a knot in his throat.

The other just agreed in silence and consumed at least half of it immediately. The cold beverage slowly slid down, his whole chest felt the chilly touches of it; he didn't know whether it was that or just Harry's presence itself, but only a minute later, he already felt so much better.

"...Thanks babe."

"No problem," he nodded while frowning and took a risk by asking it. "What are you not telling me?"

"Uh, a lot of things," Louis suppressed a smile, turning it to a joke, so the situation didn't seem that serious. "My first celebrity crush was actually the guy from the Take On Me music video, my guilty pleasure is watching Grease, uhm once I used Zayn's toothbrush when I was drunk..."

"About football, you dork," Harry interrupted him with a quiet laughter while snuggling closer to loosely bury his face in his neck, knowing that it would be easier for Louis to talk like that. "You're upset and I want to know why, so I can make it better."

"No offense, but if I can't handle them, I doubt you could," Harry's sweet scent surrounded him and he gladly breathed it in before speaking again. "They're trying to fuck me up, but I'll be alright. Now I'll be alright."

The younger one let a pale smile creep across his lips, as he understood what he meant. Both of them should be alright, because they were in each other's arms.
Since he knew him enough to realise he didn't want to talk about that, he started to caress the side of Louis and changed the topic to something lighter instead.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now