Chapter 49

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After gazing at the boy for several minutes, Zayn couldn't hold it back anymore and opened his mouth. "I feel like I'm here, just waiting for my cue to catch you as you faint."

Harry seemed to be woken up by the words when his voice finally broke surface and got in his head. He processed his surroundings all over again; a parking lot, cars, the back of the university, Zayn's presence. Everything was alright, he only had to get reminded of that.

"Don't worry," he sinked his hands in the pockets of the thin, black trench coat. " 'm fine. This place brought up some bad memories, but I won't faint, 'm okay."

Zayn's searching eyes didn't rest for awhile, he was looking at him like a scientist trying to analyze the object of their experiment. He knew exactly what he was talking about... none of them liked to wait in the parking lot ever since Harry's been attacked there in december. The scars on his palm were enough of a reminder every single day.

The only reason Harry was able to stand there today was because the black haired boy accompanied him.

"Alright," he finally rested as he decided Harry wasn't lying to him. "Still, let me know if you're not doing well. You can count on me, man."

A slightly emotional smile appeared on Harry's lips when he glanced at the other. "I know. Thanks for always being there for me."

"Don't mention it," he nodded. "...Especially when last time you counted on me, we ended up at the hospital."

"Would of been too responsible of you to get through the night without any trouble," the younger boy let out a soft laughter, before fixing it. "Would of been too Liam of you."

An eye roll and snort were the answer. "God help me, anything but that smart ass act he does all the time."

"I thought you liked him...?"

"I do," he licked his lips as he shrugged like this didn't mean anything at all. "Which is why I'm obligated to tell him when he's being annoying."

" 'm starting to figure out why you're always arguing," Harry hid a smile, then risked saying his thoughts out loud, because Zayn didn't seem like he was bothered by the conversation. "...Although 'm still not exactly sure I know what's going on with you two."

The older boy turned his head away, as if he was waiting to get the answer from the rest of the empty parking lot. He tried not to go on and on about that in his head, literally avoiding it on purpose. As long as he didn't want to find the key to this lock on his heart, its absence wasn't that obvious.

"We're just having fun," he spoke in the end to break the uncomfortable silence. "Nothing serious."

Blake would love to hear that. Her boyfriend cheated on her for nothing serious, apparently.

"Okay," Harry nodded, showing him an encouraging smile. "As long as it makes you happy."

He didn't answer immediately and it wasn't even needed; a second later Louis finally stepped out of the building and headed towards them with the typical sunshine smile on his face.
Harry started wondering if he looked truly that attractive or was it just him being too thirsty, however he quickly made up his mind when the footballer raised his chin a bit, turning the sweet vibes to cheeky, flaming hot ones.
Of course the first option was right: he was probably the most beautiful person Harry has ever seen.

Louis ran his fingers through his own longish hair that made him look like Prince Charming on a regular day and welcomed his boy with a tight hug, since they were in public.

"Hi, my love," he whispered, making the one with the man bun melt right away. "You okay?"

"Perfectly fine," he let go of him after a few long seconds. "How did it go?"

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin