Chapter 59

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Things sped up in the next four days; it felt like the smooth grains of time slipped out of their hands as a handful of sand flowed through the fingers of playing kids on the beach. The to-do list before Louis could travel to Manchester got longer and longer by every hour as they wanted to tone down the level of pain as much as it was possible and make it a comfortable, rewarding journey towards the aim of his efforts. They've learned a lot from the previous time, and they would of been stupid not to use the morals of that story.

Louis opened the front door for the younger one and watched him walk in first with the same excited look on his face as two days ago. He saw it the moment they crossed the doorstep, he almost felt the change in his behavior like he experienced it on his own. He knew they found THE flat by a single glance at Harry.

When they decided to check out the apartment Louis randomly saw once on his way driving home, it was just a silly idea. It wasn't a tiny, easily affordable place, it seemed expensive even from outside... and taking a closer look felt almost unnecessary. What were the chances they would actually like it for itself and not just because the swiftly passing time prompted them to make a rushed decision?

The older boy kept telling his artist that he doesn't have to adore the place only to have something before he'd travel to Manchester, but all of his worries flew away the moment they entered.

It was written all over Harry's face.
This was it.

The apartment wasn't insanely far away from the university or the dorm, meaning they wouldn't isolate themselves from their group of friends by accident. It was on the fifth floor - the top level of the building - and the spacious living room had huge windows that almost filled up a whole wall. The kitchen wasn't too big, but perfect for making cozy dinners, while the bedroom - which even had its built in gardrobe and a small balcony, what the fuck? - triggered Harry's artistic self immediately and he saw it as a blank canvas screaming to be used since the very first second. He knew right away how he'd furnish it, which plants, fairy lights and pictures he'd place there. One look was enough to see it all come alive.

Now that the day before leaving to Manchester has come, they were at their new home again. They signed most of the papers on the following day of checking it out, and Harry had this precious idea of spending the last night there if they were already lucky - or maybe stupid - enough to be able to make this important decision so quick. The apartment was almost empty; except for the built in kitchen furniture, there was only one king-sized bed in the bedroom, a bedside table and a lamp next to it, which they all moved here from Louis' old room in Zayn's house.

Harry stopped in the middle of the empty living room and took a deep breath. It was so spacious, so full of sunshine and so perfect, he had to breathe in the liberty it radiated. It might have been just a sheer apartment right now, but it already felt like home. He turned around as a wide smile crawled on his lips and even the dimples appeared.

"Can you believe this will be ours?"

The suppressed excitement in his voice made Louis smile as well. "It's already ours, babe."

"Yeah, but imagine it when all furnitures will be here, all pictures on the walls, all of our clothes will be in the gardrobe..." he kept blattering, seemingly lost somewhere in his thoughts. "When the air will smell like vanilla and baby powder and even acrylic paint on some days... when we'll cook our first meal in the kitchen..."

"When I'll put out the first fire after we tried to cook that meal in the kitchen..." Louis continued in the same dreamy voice, getting a withering look from the other at first, but eventually it tricked him into a laughter.

"You have a talent at ruining the nice moments."

"I practice a lot on you."

Although Harry rolled his eyes, the smile didn't leave his face. He took another look around in the empty living room. The light brown parquet, the huge windows that replaced one wall, the man that was leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms in front of his chest and a loving sunshine smile on his beautiful face... everything felt like only a trick of his brain to make him happy. A dream too perfect to actually be his reality.

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