School Hall

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Kim's POV

"I can't wait for the winter formal next week kicking off winter break." I say turning to look at Grace as we walk into the front entrance of the school and head to my locker.

"Yeah I know right it's going to be A-maze-ing." She says with a high pitched squeal.

"So who do you want to ask you to the dance?" I ask Grace all curious like.

"I don't know yet, but what I do know is that you want Jack to ask you." Grace says with a giggle.

"What nooo, I don't even like Jack." I say turning my back on Grace to open up my locker. Hoping that the high pitch screech in my voice didn't give me away.

"Please Kim all you do is talk about Jack non-stop about how good he is at karate, and how awesome he is, and how cute his two moles are." Grace says counting them off her fingers as she lists them. I shut my locker and turn to look at Grace who has her arms crossed across her chest looking at me with daggers.

"I don't like Jack he is just a really good friend." I say making sure to keep my voice level.

"Yeah a good friend that you looove." She says mocking me. I just roll my eyes at her. "Whatever I have to get to spanish." She says waving goodbye.

"See ya later Grace."

"Bye Kim." As I walk to English class Milton comes up to me all excited about somthing.

"Hey Kim." Milton says in a hyper tone.

"Hey Milton, what's up?" I say with a laugh. "What are you so excited about?"

"Oh, I just asked Juile to go to the winter formal with me and she said yes!" He exclaims.

"But Milton, she is already your girlfriend was there ever any doubt that she would say yes?" I ask him.

"No but it's my first time having a date to a school dance." He says in a small voice. I laugh at him. "So did anyone ask you yet?" He asks.

"Nope I think I'm just gonna go with Grace." I say with a sigh.

"So there is no one that you want to ask you?" Milton says with a tilt of his head.

"No, there is I just don't think he will." I say firmly. Milton stops at his locker talking about something but I'm not paying attention. Someone snapping their fingers in front of my face brings me back to reality. It was Jack.

"Kim. Kim? KIM!" Jack yells at me bringing me back.

"Oh, sorry. Hey Jack What's up?" I say smiling at him.

"Nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to walk to the dojo with me after school?" He asks cooly.

"Yeah sure." I say trying not to sound too excited.

"Cool, bye see you at lunch." Jack says while closing his locker and heading for math. I smile and wave as he leaves. I say goodbye to Milton and head for english. My friends were right I did like Jack, but I don't want to ruin our friendship by going out. I mean he is my best friend I don't want to lose him.


A/N: What do you guys think of the first part? Do you think there gonna get together? Update soon!!! THANKS FOR READING!!!! VOTE!!!!!!

~Abby <3

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