What Do You Mean?

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Kim's POV

Jack and I were walking through the mall after practice talking and trying to think of something to do. "How about we see a movie?" Jack suggests and I shake my head. "We have already seen all the movies that are playing right now." I sigh. "Oh yeah." Jack sighs. "What about the beach?" I suggest cheerfully. "Sounds perfect." Jack replies. "Let's go home to get our things." We walk to my house quickly and head inside. "Love you too, bye." My sister says hanging up the phone."Was that mom?" I ask. "Yeah sorry if I would have known you were here I would have let you talk to her." Payson apologizes. "It's okay I'll call her later." I brush it off. "What did she say?" I ask."Look Kim I have some bad news." Payson explains. "What is it?" I ask starting to get worried. "Mom and Dad won't be able to get home for Christmas." Payson answers me slowly. "What? What kind of business trip is it?" I start to get angry. "What are we suppose to do?" I ask pouting. "You guys can come to our house." Jack pipes up. "Really?" I feel my eyes light up. "That would be great." I cheer. "Yeah, I'll ask my mom when I get home I'm sure she won't mind." He flashes me his perfect smile and I want to melt. "Meet back here and we'll go to the beach." I say giving him a quick peck before he leaves to get his stuff for the beach. "Kim are you sure you're okay with this?" Payson gives me her concerned look she has been giving me that look a lot lately. "Yeah of course I am we have to eat don't we." I let out a small giggle. "At least we have each other." I give Payson a hug and she gives me a tight squeeze, she actually starts to hurt me. "Pay, can't breathe." I gasp as her grip tightens on me."Oops sorry." She lets go of me and gives me a smile. "Are you sure you're okay?" Now it's my turn to be concerned she was hiding something from me I know it. "Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?" She spits all these questions out at once. "Whoa, slow down." I cut her off. "Sorry I'm just a little tired that's all." She sighs. "Why don't you go take a nap." I suggest. "Yeah I'll do that." She replies and she heads upstairs toward her room. I sigh she was hiding something from me and she was lying to me. What is going on she never does that. She looked kind of sad while talking to my mom I wonder what's going on. I'll ask my mom when I call her later. I head upstairs to pack for the beach.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so short the next chapter will be longer I promise. I didn't really know how to pick up from the last chapter but I got it now. I am currently writing another story so I'm focusing on that which is another reason why this chapter is so short. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the next chapter inbox me or leave a comment.

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~Abby <3

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