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Kim's POV

As I walked into the girls bathroom I saw Grace going around the bathroom and checking all the stalls. "What are you doing?" I give her a confused look. "Checking to make sure no one is in the bathroom." I nod my head like I know where she is getting at, but I have no clue. She comes to the conclusion that we are the only ones in the bathroom and turn her attention to me. "What the hell was that?" Grace asks startling me with her question. "What was what?" I ask trying to play it off. "That whole Jack thing." She says waving her hands around her head. "I was just saving Jack from going to the dance with Donna." I play it off and Grace seems to be buying it. "Well no one turns that shade of white unless they have something to hide." She says referring to the color Jack turned when he slipped up moments before. I shrug my shoulders pretending to think about the possibilities when Grace snaps her fingers. "I got it!" She shouts coming closer to me. "You do?" I swallow hard and try to hide how worried I am.

"Jack totally likes you!" Grace says as a huge grin spreads across her face I sigh in relief and start acting my butt off. "Oh my gosh you really think so." I say giddly. "Yeah he wanted to ask you so that's why he got nervous when he said that he was going with you." Grace spits out in one breath. She starts jumping up and down doing her happy dance I join in with her either though I feel awful for lying to her. "I'll ask Jack about it on the way to karate." I say to Grace I was really going to talk about how bad I feel for lying about our relationship to everyone. I hope he doesn't get mad. "You have to call me right when you get home to tell me all the deets." Grace squeals and leaves the bathroom I follow after her back to the lunch room to finish eating and get the rest of the day over with.

After last period I headed to my locker and got my karate bag. I turned around to an angry, blonde, Donna Tobin really close to my face. I jumped back a little and she smirked at me. I tried to walk around her but she side stepped back in front of me. "What do you want Donna?" I ask getting annoyed. "I want you to tell Jack you don't want to go to the dance with him." She states flatly. "Like that's going to happen, Jack doesn't want to go with you, even if I wasn't going to the dance with him he still wouldn't go to the dance with you." I retort Donna is shocked and stands frozen in her spot so I continue. "Do you want to know why. because nobody likes a snobby, bossy, self-centered bitch such as yourself." I gesture towards her and she scoffs at me and stomps off. I smile as I have always wanted to stand up to her, all she does is bring others down it was about time someone put her in her place. I hear someone softly clapping their hands behind me and I automatically think teacher, I turn around slowly to see that it was just Jack. I roll my eyes at him. "Look at little Kimmy sticking up for herself." He baby talks me and tries to pat my head but I swat his hand away from me and start walking away. "Wait for me!" Jack shouts following after me. He catches up to me on the sidewalk in front of the school. We walk in silence for a little while as Jack catches his breath.

"Jack can I ask you something?" I say breaking the silence. "Yeah anything." He answers looking at me with concern. "Is keeping our relationship a secret as hard for you as it is for me?" I ask looking at the ground. "If you mean that it makes you feel like you are going to puke every time you talk to your friends, then yes it is just as hard." He answers looking over at me. "So you think we should tell them?" I ask quietly. "I think it will be better for all of us." He says nodding his head. He smiles at me and I return the smile. "I'll text Grace and Julie to meet up with us at the dojo after practice." I exclaim pulling out my phone to text the girls. Both of the girls responded pretty quickly and said that they would be there. We went along with practice as normal as we could but I kept thinking about what would happened when we told the guys. Practice went by in one big blur and then it was the moment of truth everyone was there sitting and talking waiting to see what we had to say. I was getting nervous and my hands were getting sweaty. I looked at Jack and nodded at him giving him the okay to start talking to the guys."Okay guys Kim and I have something to tell you guys." Jack starts then looks at me to pick up where he left off. I take a deep breath and begin talking. "Jack and I are dating." I spit out a little faster than I wanted it too. Everyone jumped up and congratulated us. "When did this happen?" Eddie asked "Four days ago." Jack says looking at the ground with guilt. "FOUR DAYS AGO!" Grace shouts more at me then Jack. "You didn't tell me and you lied to me more than once I thought I was your best friend." Grace yells her voice getting louder the longer she goes. "You are, we just...." Grace cuts me off. "Obviously we aren't as good of friends as I thought." Grace says disappointment filling her voice, she turns on her heels and walks out of the dojo. I start to follow her but the guys and Juile stop me. "You should let her cool off first." Jerry says looking at me I nod and grab my karate bag, I walk out the door and everyone follows behind me to see where I am going I head over to the parking lot and spot my sister's car. Everyone went back to the dojo as I run to my sister's car I pull the heavy car door open and throw my bag in. I plop down on the soft tan leather seats and break down into tears. Payson doesn't say anything just gives me a quick hug and starts the car. She pulls out of the mall parking lot and heads home I cry until I fall asleep, I wake up in my bed at home. All I can think is what have I done.


A/N: I know this isn't my best chapter but the story will be moving along pretty soon. So keep reading!

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~Abby <3

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