Just A Kiss

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Kim's POV

After about a half an hour everyone had come back with all their stuff. Everyone got their pj's on and set up their sleeping bags. "Thanks for doing this guys." I say as I watch everyone set up their stuff.

"Kim anything for you." Grace says as she sits down on her sleeping bag.

"Yeah." Milton agrees.

"Kimberly?" A nurse asks cautiously looking around the room at all the people.

"That's me." I chirp raising my hand. The nurse walk over and checks the machines and tubes that are hooked up to me.

"Unfortunately you have a curfew, you have to be asleep by ten." The nurse informs me.

"Aw, but we wanted to have a movie marathon." I whine.

"Sorry Kimberly but you need your rest." The nurse says sternly as she writes something on her clip board then leaves the room.

"Well I guess we only have time to watch one movie." Jerry sighs popping in the gangs favorite Bobby Wasabi movie. Kung Fu Cop '77. Everyone fell asleep really quickly, except for me. When the nurse came to check on me I pretended to be asleep. After she was gone I looked around the dark hospital room at all my friends. When my eyes landed on Jack I just stared at him with my head tilted. He was being so confusing. I grab the metal tower that my IV was hooked up to and started weaving through my room around sleeping people and their stuff. I turned around and looked at all of them sleeping. When I looked at Jack's spot he wasn't there anymore. When I turned my head slightly to the left I saw him. He was standing right next to me, I jump a little.

"God, Jack." I say putting my hand on my chest.

"Where are you going?" Jack asks tilting his head.

"For a walk." I say opening the door and walking out into the hallway.

"Can I come?" Jack asks following me out the door.

"Sure." I reply shrugging.

"So what's bugging you?" Jack asks as we walk down the dimly lit halls.

"Nothing." I lie looking at the ground.

"Kim?" Jack says raising an eyebrow.

"I just hate that I am being treated like a baby." I huff.

"What do you mean?" Jack asks shoving his hands in his pockets.

"The curfews, people bringing every meal to me, and this stupid IV tower." I say gesturing to the metal contraption I was towing. "All because of a little black out." I sigh shaking my head.

"Kim you didn't just black out." Jack stops walking abruptly. "You were.....gone." Jack chokes the last part out. I look at the ground feeling guilty. "Kim if I had actually lost you I don't know what I would do." Jack tries to continue but gets choked up.

"Jack just stop." I say biting my lip to keep from crying.

"No you're not getting how bad it was." Jack raises his voice getting angry. When I look up I see that we had ended up in the sun room.

"Jack you think I don't know how bad this was!" I suddenly scream at Jack. He looks taken back.

"With the way you're acting, like nothing happened." Jack says turning to look me in the eyes.

"Of course I know this is bad!" I shout.

"Then why have you been acting like you don't care at all!" Jack crosses his arms and looks at me expectantly. I sigh and walk over to the doors that lead out to a small balcony, I push open the doors and walk out. I lean up against the railing and I see Jack walk up next to me.

"Because it's hard." I choke.

"What's hard?" Jack pries.

"Thinking about that day, that moment." I say looking out at the city. "Jack I died." I look over at Jack who is staring at me with sad eyes. "Whenever I think about that day I think I was really gone, I would never get to see my parents or Payson, Grace and the guys again. I would never get to tell you how I really feel." I say the last part quietly.

"I'm sorry Kim I had no idea." Jack whispers.

"How could you I'm not one to show weakness." I give a small laugh. "It's just that I always thought of myself as indestructible but lately I'm doubting myself more and more." I say looking down at the ground and shaking my head.

"What do you mean lately." Jack asks tilting his head towards me.

"Almost dying in a fire, dying in an ambulance...." I start to say something else but stop myself.

"What else were you going to say?" Jacks asks curiously. I sigh and continue.

"Losing the person I loved, letting his stupid new girlfriend get to me." I say turning to face to Jack.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asks looking at me with a confused look in his eyes.

"Forget about it." I huff and start to walk away.

"No, Kim wait." Jack grabs my wrist to keep me from leaving. "Come on Kim, tell me, you know you can tell me anything." Jack pleads with me.

"Jack I still love you. I hate your girlfriend she treats me like dirt and I actually feel insecure around her and you." I say watching Jack's face for a reaction.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Jack was searching my eyes for something.

"Because I was trying to be friends, I was trying to forget everything." I felt tears sting my eyes but I blinked them back. "But I don't think I can keep doing this just friends thing, I think we need to go back to not speaking at all." I look at the ground and start to walk away. Jack grabs my wrist and pull me into him, he leans down and kisses me and I let him. I kiss him back and for a moment reality melts away. But after a couple seconds reality comes rushing back, I push Jack away from me. "We can't do this, you have a girlfriend who would make my life even worse if she found out we kissed." I say wiping my mouth.

"Kim...I..." Jack stutters.

"Don't." I say cutting Jack off. "I have to go." I say turning and hurrying off the balcony and back to my room, playing what just happened over and over in my head. I get into my room and close the door behind me. I climb into bed and turn over staring at the wall listening to my heart monitor beep steadily. I hear the door open and someone shuffle to the chair next to my bed. I don't turn around. I hear Jack sigh and shift in the chair. I could feel Jack's eyes burning into me.

"What have I done?" I hear him whisper to himself. I keep listening and soon all I hear is the beeping of my heart monitor and the steady breathing of Jack and all of my friends.


A/N: Sorry it is short it is a filler chapter to create a little conflict for the next chapter! I should have the next chapter up a little later today! So do you guys think Kim and Jack are going to get back together or not?

~Ava <3

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