Christmas gift

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Kim's POV

 I woke up and to a cold breeze blowing in through my window. I jump out of bed and rush to close the window to stop the freezing air from coming through, I pull the window down and look outside to see a fresh white blanket of snow covering the ground. I feel a smile spread across my face it was the first snow of the season on the eve of Christmas. Seaford is right in between L.A. and Lake Tahoe so sometimes we get snow and sometimes we don't. It was exactly what I needed since my parents weren't going to be home. I run across the hall to wake up Payson surprisingly she is still asleep. I shake her shoulders and she starts to stir from sleep. "Why did you wake me up?" She groans rubbing her eyes and looking up at me. "It snowed last night." I cheer excitedly. "What?! No way." She jumps out of bed and runs over to her window her eyes widen in disbelief as she takes it all in, then a smile spreads across her face. "It's great isn't it?" I ask leaning on the windowsill next to Payson and she nods.

"Well, I have to get ready." Payson sighs getting up and walking over to her closet to get dressed. "What? Where are you going?" I ask joining her at her closet. "I'm meeting Kaylee for coffee to catch up." She says deciding on an outfit then heading to her bathroom to get ready. Kaylee is Payson's best friend for like ever, like Jack and I or Grace and I. "Well since you're not going to be here, can Jack come over?" I ask sweetly. "I don't know K." She turns around and gives me a mom look. "It's Jack Pay, you can trust him." I argue. "Okay, fine." Payson caves. "Thanks you're the best." I say giving her a bear hug.

"Yeah, Yeah I know." She calls after me as I leave. I get into my room and hop into the shower, I get out and put on some Christmas music to fit the mood. Then I head over to my closet and pull my white pea-coat out of the back of my closet that I had never got to wear because it had never gotten cold enough. I paired it with a beige sweater and black skinny jeans and uggs. I let my hair air dry and wear it naturally curly and put a cute beanie on to keep my head warm. I look at myself in the mirror and nod my head then I head over to Jack's house. As I approach the the front door it swings open and Kat slams into me knocking me to the ground. "Hey Kim!" Kat shouts smiling down at me."Hey Kit-Kat in a hurry to play in the snow?" I question still laying on the ground with Kat on top of me. She nods her vigorously and I laugh. "Kat wait up!" I hear Jack shout from inside, "Oh my gosh are you guys okay?" Jack asks picking Kat up off of me and then helping me up. "Perfect." I reply with a smile. "Do you want to come with Kat and I....." Jack gets cut off by Kat. "We're going ice skating!" Kat yells excitedly. "I'd love to." I say to Jack first and then turn to Kat. We stop by my house to pick up my old ice skates and head to the frozen lake that makes a makeshift ice skating rink.

It's like a five minute walk from my house so we get there quickly, when we get there I help Kat put her ice skates on and as soon as I'm done she darts out on to the ice, she wobbles at first but gets the hang of it. I put my skates on and when I'm done I look up at Jack who is holding out his hand to me I gladly take and we go out onto the ice. Unlike Kat and Jack, I am not as skilled in the ice skating department, I slip and slide all over the ice almost running into about 50 people in the process. Jack supports me and helps me along the way around the rink. "I think Kat lapped us." Jack states with a chuckle. I giggle and roll my eyes at him. Then I lose my balance and fall to the ground, Jack tries to catch me but I pull him down with me. We hit the ground and look at each other for a split second and then burst out laughing. We sit there laughing histerically while people look at us weird and run into each other which only made Jack and I laugh harder. We finally stop and catch our breath and then stand up again. We skate over to the edge and then walk over to the bench and sit down removing our skates and putting our shoes back on. We watch Kat skate and play with the other kids. "So what do you want for Christmas?" Jack asks turning his attention to me. "You don't have to get me anything." I answer sincerely. "But I want to." He states firmly. "Well then surprise me." I giggle. "Ahhh, my first boyfriend test." Jack chuckles and I join in. While we are laughing Kat comes up to us. "I'm hungry." Kat whines. "Well then let's go get something to eat." Jack answers cheerfully.

We head to Captain corn dogs because that was what Kat wanted. By the time we were done eating Kat had fallen asleep with her head laid down on the table. Jack scoops her up and carries her like a little baby, and we start home. I watch Jack and smile he is so cute and so protective over Kat I feel bad for however hurts Kat. I shake my head and laugh silently. I look around and the snow just looks so beautiful like a movie. We stop by my house first and I kiss Jack goodbye and whisper a goodbye to Kat and go inside. I fix myself a cup of hot chocolate and sit on the couch to watch Christmas movies. I fall asleep quickly and wake up in the middle of the night. I shut off the T.V. and head upstairs, I change into my PJ's and climb into bed, I fall back asleep shortly after that.

I wake up the next afternoon to my sister shaking me. "You have to get ready we are going next door at five for dinner." Payson tells me before leaving the room to finish getting ready I guess. I take a quick shower and start getting dressed to Christmas carols. I pick out a red lacey dress with matching red heels and a cool purse. I have another white pea coat to wear over it to keep from getting cold on the walk over there. I also pick out red dangling earrings, I curl my hair and add a sparkly headband and I put on a little make up. "Ready to go?" Payson pokes her head into my room and I nod. We head over to Jack's house and Kat answers the door. She gives both of us a quick hug and invites us in. Jack greets me with a kiss as I am taking my coat off. Mrs. Brewer gives me hug and Mr. Brewer waves from where he is cutting the turkey. "You guys are just in time for dinner." Mrs. Brewer gestures for us to follow her to the table we all sit and eat and talk for about an hour. After dinner we sit around in the living room and exchange small presents.

After we are done opening presents Jack taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear to follow him outside. I grab my coat and go out onto the back porch. I shove my hands in my pockets and look up at the stars while waiting for Jack. After a couple minutes I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see Jack. "So what are we doing out here in the cold?" I raise an eyebrow at Jack curiously. Jack pulls a black box out of his pocket and opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond heart necklace half of it was black and the other half white.

"It's beautiful." I gasp. "So I pass my first test?" Jack asks raising an eyebrow. I nod my head as he puts the necklace around my neck. I turn around and smash my lips into Jack's we both smile into the kiss. I smile at him and he takes my hand and we go back inside to join the others.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter let me know if you did in the comments below!

~Abby <3

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