A Speech No One Ever Wants to Give

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Kim's POV

Staring. Staring is what the blank piece of paper in front of me had reduced me to. Around an hour ago my mom informed me that I would be giving the eulogy at my father's funeral, now she did give me a choice. According to my mom my dad requested that I speak at his funeral, he claimed that I could come up with something profound and beautiful that could sum up his life perfectly. This was my task at hand and I was doing a horrible job so far. There was so many thoughts floating around in my head, so many things I had to say and no way to say them. I tap my pencil on the surface of my desk staring out the window. After thirty more minutes of sitting, staring, and pencil tapping the doorbell rings. "Saved by the bell." I mumble to myself as I push my chair away from my desk. I quickly jog downstairs and to the door, pulling it open with a swift tug. I sigh in relief when I see who it is. "Jack."

"Hey!" Jack chirps raising his hand in a wave. "I heard you needed some help." Jack comments as he walks past me and into the house.

"Where did you hear that?" I inquire as I close the door behind Jack.

"Oh I didn't I just wanted to pretend I have super boyfriend powers." Jack responds grinning at me.

"Well you might actually have super boyfriend powers." I sigh walking over to him. "I do need some help." I continue looking up at Jack. He gives me a sad look and then grabs my hand pulling me towards the couch. He sits down and pulls me down onto his lap. He doesn't ask me to tell him what's wrong, we just sit there for a little while not talking, Jack rubbing soothing circles into my back. I sigh and lay my head on Jack's shoulder. "I have to speak at his funeral." I finally let out. "I have no idea what to say." I conclude closing my eyes as Jack continues to rub soothing circles into my back.

"I think you might be overthinking it." Jack speaks cautiously glancing at me trying to gauge my reaction.

"What do you mean?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You're putting too much pressure on yourself." Jack clarifies. "You're thinking too much."

"So what am I supposed to do? Turn off my brain?" I ask half-jokingly.

"No, I think I have a better idea." Jack replies a grin spreading across his face.

"And what might that be?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. Jack stands up and holds out his hand to help me up. Jack pulls me off the couch and leads me to the front door. He pulls his coat off of the rack standing near the door, once his is on he grabs mine and hands it to me. It had been a surprising cold February week and light jackets were essentials for going outside at the moment. I follow Jack out to his car and climb in without questions. "You still haven't answered my question." I point out as we drive down the road away from my house.

"Huh?" Jack grunts as he makes a turn.

"What is your better idea?" I quote mimicking Jack's voice.

"One, I do not sound like that and two you'll have to wait until we get there." Jack replies confidently.

"Well do I have enough time for a nap?" I question crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes you do." Jack says after a brief pause. I give Jack a look and he sighs looking over at me as he stops at a red light. "Kim, this will be good for you I promise." Jack assures me, placing a hand on my knee.

"Okay, I trust you." I reply shifting in my seat. "Just wake me up when we get there." I say putting my hand over Jack's.

"Will do." Jack says as the light turns green. I slowly drift off to sleep the radio playing in the background. After what felt like a whole entire day I woke up my head leaned against the car window and my hand securely in Jack's. "Morning sleepy head." Jack greets as I move my head away from the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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