Happy Saturday!!

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A/N: Hey guys!!!! Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I would like to be I have a pretty good idea of where this story is going but if you have any ideas let me know send me an inbox or comment!!! I will make sure you get the credit for it!!!

Love Abby <3


Jack's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around I wasn't at my house, I was at Kim's. I smile as I remember our date last night, it was perfect. I look down at Kim who is asleep on my chest, she looks so adorable when she is asleep. I look at the clock on the wall, we were going to be late for Saturday karate practice Rudy was going to kill us. Just then, Kim starts to wake up, she sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes, she looks over at me and smiles. I smile back at her. She looks in the direction of the clock and starts to flip when she sees what time it is.

"Oh my gosh we're going to be so late for practice," she says shooting up from the couch. "Why didn't you wake me up?" She asks looking at me.

"I slept in too." I say shrugging my shoulders."Don't worry we still have plenty of time to get to the dojo." I say trying to calm her down. She takes a deep breath and nods. "I'm going to run next door to get ready, you get ready and then come meet me at my house, I'll have my mom bring us." I exclaim as I put my shoes on. I stand up after I was done putting my shoes on and see that Kim is staring at me. She stands up and walks with me to the door, I hurry out the door as she closes it behind me. I run home and come through the front door and race right up to my room to get ready. I see my mom shake her head at me as I pass the kitchen.

Kim's POV

As soon as I closed the door behind Jack I raced upstairs to get ready. I grabbed my favorite pair of workout shorts and a tanktop to go with it. I throw on my clothes quickly and brush my teeth, I slip on my flip flops and fly out the door without breakfast. I speed walk to Jack's house. When I get there I knock on the front door and Jack's mom answers the door. She smiles at me, Jack definitly gets his smile from his mom.

"Hey Kim, come in Jack should be ready in a minute." She says opening the door wider for me to come in. I thank her and walk inside, the smell of bacon fills my nose and it reminds me that I skipped breakfast. My hunger must have shown on my face because Jack's mom laughs and asks me if I want something to eat before practice.

"I thought you would never ask." I exclaim, putting my bag down by the front door. Jack's mom said she was going to see what was taking so long for him to get ready. I had been to Jack's house so many times I knew my way around I made a beeline for the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen the food smell hit me hard. I think I started drooling. Gross.

"KIIIMMM!!!!" Jack's little sister jumps down from her stool at the counter and runs to me with her arms open. I open my arms just in time to catch her. She hugs me and I carry her back to her seat at the counter.

"Hey, Kit-Kat how have you been." I say with a laugh as I take the seat next to her at the counter and help myself to some food. Kat's real name is Katherine but everyone calls her Kat and I call her Kit-Kat if anybody calls her that she goes a crazy and throws a tantrum about how only I'm allowed to call her that, she is adorable. She is only four and Jack is really protective of her.

"Just coloring." She chirps as she scripples in a disney princess coloring book. "Look!" She holds up the picture that is multi-colored.

"Nice." I say looking at her picture. "How about I hang it on the fridge for you?" I say gesturing towards the stainless steel fridge across from us. She nods her head excitedly and hands me the picture, and I put a magnet to hold it in place. "Whala." I say doing a fancy show girl pose pointing to her picture. She claps her hands and giggles causing me to laugh. In the middle of our laughing fit Jack comes into the kitchen with a huge grin on his face. I look at him while laughing and he shakes head at me, I just shrug my shoulders and keep laughing. Jack's mom comes in and is ready to drive us to practice. She asks Kat if she wants to come along and she starts jumping up and down with excitement I grab her hands and start jumping with her. We all pile into the car and head over to the mall for practice. I could tell it was going to be a great day."


A/N: Hey guys did you like Jack's 1st POV their will be a couple more later in the story so keep reading I will be updating as soon as possible I already have another idea for the next chapter!!! YAY!!!!

Keep Reading!!!!


Love, Abby <3

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