It's Over!

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A/N: You will find out what Bella told Jack later on!


Kim's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me I open my eyes to see Jack standing above me. "Kim, Kim you have got to wake up we are going to be late for school.

"Do I have to go?" I moan.

"Yes you already missed like 5 days." Jack says.

"Well can you blame me?" I ask pointing to my ankle, it has been about 8 weeks now and I got my cast taken off a week ago, it was replaced with a heavy black walking boot for the last week of having my leg in any type of cast.

"Come on Kim, all you have to do is make it through today, then you get your cast off and be able to take all your stress out on a punching dummy." Jack says trying to get me out of bed.

"Okay, okay I'm coming." I give in and climb out of bed. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of denim shorts, a pink and white flowy tank top to go with them. I go into my bathroom and throw my clothes on, brush my teeth and brush my hair quickly. "Let's go." I say to Jack as I grab my backpack and my left flip flop. Jack and I head down the stairs, we each grab an apple and head out the door. We had to start leaving a lot earlier because I walk a little slower with the boot. When we got to school we met up with the guys.

"Hey Jack and Kim!" Eddie greets as we walk up to the group.

"Are you excited about getting your boot off." Julie asks me as I take a seat on the bench at the bottom of a pillar by the stairs.

"Yeah I can't wait to get back to karate." I tell her.

"Yeah I really hope I don't have to spar against Kim first because of all that built up energy." Milton exclaims.

"Things are going to get nasty." Jerry pipes up. I give him a death glare.

"Hey don't kill my boyfriend." Grace says putting a hand on Jerry shoulders. "I need him alive he is meeting my parents tonight." Grace adds.

"Jerry be on your best behavior, Grace's dad can be a little scary." I inform him.

"Great, thanks Kim as if I wasn't nervous enough," Jerry says giving me a look.

"She is kidding." Grace says to Jerry, when Jerry turns to look at me I mouth "no I'm not" the look on his face is priceless. Jack and I crack up, everyone just stares at us like we are crazy. The bell rings and we all go to our classes. When is time for lunch I head to my locker to get my money for lunch, when I open my locker a note falls out. I lean down to pick it up and when I am about to open Jack comes up.

"Ready to go?" Jack asks holding out his hand for me to hold.

"Yeah." I say putting the note from my locker in my bag and grabbing Jack's hand, we head to the lunch to meet the gang. We got our lunches and sat down with the gang. We were all talking but Jack was spaced out.

"Jack, earth to Jack." I say waving my hand in front of his face.

"Uh, What?" He says snapping out of it and turning to look at me.

"What is up with you?" Ask looking at Jack "You have been totally distracted these last couple weeks?" I continue.

"I just have a lot on my mind." Jack says pushing his food around on his plate.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask concern filling my voice.

"No." Jack sighs.

"Jack you are obviously upset about something otherwise you would be eating your food instead of pushing it around with your fork." I state pointing to his plate, he turns red and pushes his plate away from him.

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