I Just Don't Want to Lose You...

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Kim's POV

Jack was being so sweet today! I was floating on cloud nine for most of the day, after the last bell Jack met me at my locker because we were walking home together to hang out at my house before practice. After I was done putting my books away I closed my locker and turned to Jack, he was smiling at me with his amazing smile that made my knees weak. I grab his hand and we start walking down the hall to the front exit of the school. As we walked we passed Donna and Bella who looked at us then started whispering to each other, Donna's clones erupt into a giggle fit and I start to curve towards them ready to go off on all of them. But I feel Jack tug at my arm as he drags me down the hallway and out the front exit. As soon as I can't hear Donna and Bella and their entourage anymore I calm down. I look at Jack who looks deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask tilting my head up to look at Jack.

"Nothing," Jack Replies still deep in thought.

"Jaaacckk...." I drag out his name in a questioning tone knowing that he is hiding something from me.

"I was just wondering why Donna told Bella about me," Jack answers with a sigh.

"Because she likes you, that's what girls do." I explain.

"Yeah but why did she mention you?" Jack continues.

"Because she hates me when a girl hates another girl they talk about her to her friends." I reply.

"Okay but Donna only liked me because you are more popular than her and if we started going out we would become even more popular," Jack exclaims. I think about Jack's theory, he was right Donna cared what people thought of her and tried so hard to get where she was now on the social food chain, as I didn't care and didn't try and I was still more popular than her.

"Yeah it's all just a game to her." I say as we walk.

"That's not the only reason why your going out with me is it?" Jack asks seeming suddenly vulnerable.

"Of course not." I say leaning my head on his shoulder as we walk.

"Good because if you didn't love me the way I love you i don't know what I'd do." Jack says I look up with wide eyes and I stop walking, did he just use the L word.

"Did you just use the L word?" I ask Jack, his eyes widen as he stops walking too.

"Whaaaatttt? No... I..." Jack stutters rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, say it again," I say urging him to go on, I put my hands on his shoulders turning him to face me. Jack takes a deep breath and then opens his mouth to say something,

"I love you Kim." Jack finally says he looks at me waiting for my response.

"I love you too Jack." I say with a smile, the worried look on his face is replaced by a huge smile and he pulls me in to kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me off the ground and spins me around, I smile into the kiss as Jack sets me down and we break apart.

"Now was that so bad?" I ask playfully.

"No." Jack says grabbing my hand and swinging our hands as we continue walking.

"Good because I feel more comfortable around you then anybody else." I say looking at the ground.

"Kim you know you can always be yourself around me, I love you for you." Jack says lifting up my chin with two fingers.

"I know." I say smiling at him.

"Good." Jack says with a satisfied nod. "I would never hurt you, remember that." Jack continues.

"I know you won't because if you did I could kick your butt." I say with a giggle.

"No you couldn't!" Jack says defensively.

"Yes I could and you know it!" I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"I guess will never know because I will never hurt you." Jack says trying to wrap up the subject.

"I guess we won't.... unless I get Rudy to let us spare at practice today." I says mischievously.

"Okay well don't expect me to go easy on you because you're my girlfriend." Jack says putting his arm around me.

"I don't want you to go easy on me, and don't expect me to go easy on you." I say tapping his nose with my index finger.

"Seal it with a Kiss?" Jack asks I roll my eyes and give him a kiss on the lips.


A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update and that this chapter is so short it is about to get really intense in this story so hold on you might cry! Please vote, fan, like, and comment!!

Love Y'all!

~Abby <3

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