Tie Shopping

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Kim's P.O.V

After about 5 minutes of walking Jack and I arrive at Tie-Land, I roll my eyes at the lame name but it is the only tie shop in the mall. Jack holds the door open for me and I smile at him and walk through the door. As I walk through the door a blast of cool air hits me and the smell of fabric. As my eyes adjust to the light inside I look around there was a giant wall with every color tie you could ever imagine arranged by color. I spot the purple section just as Jack walks up behind me. He looks at me and I gesture for him to follow me. As we made our way to the purple section I hear a familiar voice that makes me freeze in my tracks. I look at Jack who has the same freaked out look I most likely have on my face. Jack gestures towards the nearst tie rack and starts to head over to it, but it was too late.

"Kim Jack what are you guys doing here?" Grace says walking towards us. Jack and I turn around at the same time and face Grace and Jerry. I tried to say something but nothing came out but Jack came to my rescue.

"My aunt is getting married this weekend and Kim said she would help me pick out a new tie to wear to it." Jack says cooly even I believed him a little bit. Grace looks at me for confirmation and I nod my head in agreement.

"Cool I thought you guys were here to buy a tie for Jack that would match Kim dress because you guys were going to go to the dance together." Jerry says with a laugh. "But I mean what was I thinking." He says gesturing towards us. Grace rolls her eyes.

"If Jack and Kim were going to the dance together Kim would have told me." Grace says smiling at me which made me feel absouletely horrible for lying to her. I really hope she won't hate me when we do tell everyone. "Well we have to go we are going see a movie and we are going to miss the beginning of the movie if we don't hurry up." Grace says linking arms with Jerry and pulling him towards the door Jerry waves goodbye as he goes. Jack and I watch them until they are out of sight then both Jack and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one." Jack says turning towards me.

"Yeah thanks for saving me." I say looking up at him.

"No problem." We smile at each other and start to lean in for a kiss but then I remember where we are and I put my hand out to stop him.

"We have to be careful we already got caught by Militon." I say disappointed Jack looks at the ground and nods.

"Yeah your right." He says. "How about we go get that purple tie." He says with a laugh making me feel better. We head over to the purple section and look up at all the different colors of purples.

"I have never seen this many purple ties" I say looking at all of the silk ties.

"I didn't even know they had this many different types of purple." Jack says with a laugh. Jack tries on about 50 different purple ties until we finally found the right shade of purple. We payed for it and left. "You hungry?" Jack asks

"Starving." I exclaim. "How about Falafel Phil's." I suggest as we stop in front of Phil's. Jack nods and we head inside. We see the guys at our usual booth and head over to them. Jack offers to go get my food and I tell him what I want. When he comes back I thank him and he sits across from me.

"So Jack who are you going to ask to the dance?" Eddie asks finishing up his food and pushing his tray away from him. Jack hesitates for a minute then smirks.

"I was thinking about asking Donna Tobin." Jack says smirking at me I kick him in the shin or at least I thought I did. Jerry yelps in pain and looks at me.

"What was that for Kim?" Jerry asks glarring at me. I feel my cheeks turn bright red. Jack busts out laughing and I glare him.

"Sorry Jerry I guess I just had a muscle spasm." I say shrugging my shoulders Jack just laughs harder, Milton shakes his head, and Eddie just look at us like we were all crazy. After we were all done eating we got up and left. Jack and I walking home as soon as I was sure the guys were gone I punch Jack hard on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He screechs in pain.

"Donna Tobin? Really Jack? Really?" I say shaking my head at him.

He just laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder. I give in and laugh with him we walk with his arm around my shoulder all the way home.


Hey guys!! So what do you think of this chapter sorry it was kind of just a filler chapter. I will update really soon so keep an eye out for it and tell me what you think of the story so far.

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