I Can't Believe He Did That!

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Kim's POV

I woke up to the sound of rain beating down on my house, I got out of bed and looked out the window. The rain was coming down pretty hard. I had to get ready for school, I hopped into the shower and washed my hair, I brushed my teeth and hair, I decided to let my hair dry naturally, then I headed over to my closet to pick out an outfit. But then I remembered that Grace had slept over last night and she was still sound asleep on the floor. "GRACE!" I scream as I kneel down by where she is sleeping. She flies up a terrified look on her face and her hand on her chest.

"What the heck Kim?" She says giving me a dirty look.

"What it is time to get up." I say coolly walking over to my closet.

"Aw, it's raining." Grace groans.

"Yup, but we get to wear cute raincoats." I say holding up my two favorite raincoats a red one and green one.

"Yay! But why just wear cute raincoats why don't we go all out on the outfits too." Grace suggests jumping up excitedly.

"Okay but we get to pick out each others outfits." I say laying the raincoats down on the bed.

"Deal." Grace says standing up and beginning to flip through my closet. "Done!" Grace says and I walk over from my spot by the closet.

"Wow, Grace it's perfect." I breathe.

"Well go put it on." She says pushing me to the bathroom. Grace had picked out a gray shirt with lace details and that cinched in the middle. Paired with purple grayish pants with a daring pair of shoes that were a mustard yellowish color, they had a small heel.

"What do you think?" I ask as I come out of the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh you look gorgeous!" She squeals.

"Thank you." I say walking over to Grace's outfit that I had layed out on the bed. "Now it's your turn." I continue handing her her outfit. For Grace I picked a simple black dress with black stockings, and green shoes that match her raincoat perfectly. She comes out and does a spin for me. "So you like it?" I ask.

"Like it? I love it!" She says giving me a hug.

"Great let's get going we are going to be late." I say grabbing my coat and my bag. Grace does the same as we leave my room.

"You guys want a ride to school?" Payson asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"No we'll walk." I say grabbing an apple.

"But it's pouring outside." Payson says opening up the curtain to the window in the kitchen.

"We have our raincoats." Grace says and we both hold up our coats.

"Okay whatever." Payson says leaving the kitchen with her breakfast. Grace and I walk out of the house and I start walking in the direction of school, Grace walks towards Jack's house.

"Don't you want to see if Jack wants to walk with us." Grace says pointing to Jack's house.

"No I want to spend some time alone with just us." I lie I don't want to see Jack right now.

"Okay." Grace says shrugging her shoulder and joining me. We walk to school and talk about our outfits and other things like homework. When we get to the doors of the school I am suddenly nervous. But I shake it off take a breath and walk through the doors with Grace. Everyone turns and stares at us as we walk to meet the guys. As we approach Jerry sees us first then he taps Jack and Jack turns around to look at us.

"Wow you guys look amazing." Jack says in awe.

"Thank you." We both say at the same time. I go over and give Jack a kiss, he pulls me closer by my waist and I wrap my hands around his neck. "What was that for?" I ask as we pull away.

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