Healing time.

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A/N: Okay so the song in the sidbar listen to it during Jack and Kim parts it will give you major feels!

Kim's POV

I was sitting on my windowsill bench listening to So Small by Carrie Underwood staring out at the street watching cars go by when Grace and Jerry walked into my room.

"Hey Kim." Jerry said cautiously.

"Hey." I respond dully.

"She has been like this for the past two weeks." Grace says frustrated "I call it music video mode she just sits on that stupid window bench listening to sad music, sometimes crying." Grace explains angrily to Jerry.

"Kim do want to come to the movies with me and Grace?" Jerry asks stepping closer to me.

"No thanks." I reply not looking in their direction. "Grace how many times do I have to tell you I need time to heal, so stop asking me to do things." I say finally stepping down from my windowsill bench and walking over to Grace and Jerry.

"I just miss the old Kim." Grace says sadly. "You know my best friend." Grace continues. "Whatever let's just go." Grace says grabbing Jerry's hand and pulling him out of my room. I let out a frustrated sigh and plop down on my bed. Grace was right ever since the whole Jack thing happened all I have done is sit around listening to sad music and crying.

"Hey Kiddo how are you feeling?" Payson says knocking on the door frame before coming in.

"Awful now I am pushing away Grace and all my other friends just because of Jack." I say with an exasperated sigh.

"Maybe you should try talking to Jack." Payson suggests.

"Why would I do that?" I ask giving Payson a look of pure confusion. "I have been purposely avoiding him for two weeks since the last time we talked in the hallway." I explain to Payson raising my voice angrily.

"I'm just saying usually the only person who can get you to cheer up in a time like this is Jack or Dad and one is next door and the other is in New York so you have limited options." Payson points out.

"I hate it when you're right." I growl at Payson crossing my arms across my chest.

"I know the truth hurts." Payson says with a laugh.

"Whatever I'm just going to go for a walk." I say irritated getting up off my bed and heading to my closet to get my favorite pair of green converse. I slip them on, grab my phone and headphones. I run out the door before Payson can say anything. I put in my headphones and hit shuffle the first song to play is I hope you dance which is my dad and I's song. I smile and remember the first time we danced to it at a father daughter dance. My dad and I are close, he has been gone for a while on business with my mom. I tell him everything. I miss him. I decide to walk to the frozen yogurt shop because my stomach growled and I was suddenly insanely hungry.


Grace's POV

Jerry and I were walking when I saw Kim strolling through the mall her destination unknown. I freeze in my tracks and yank Jerry to nearby bush.

"What the heck are you doing?" Jerry hisses looking angry and confused.

"Look." I say pointing to Kim.

"What so Kim is at the mall." Jerry says completely oblivious.

"Well how come she wouldn't come with us but will come by herself, I am going to tell her something." I say starting to get up, but Jerry grabs my hand and yanks me back down.

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