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Kim's POV

I woke up the bright sun in my face. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. When my eyes finally adjust to the bright light I see that Jack is laying down still asleep and the fact that we are still on the roof. Which explains the aching in my back. "Jack..." I whisper shaking him softly. He groans and rolls over to face me. He opens his eyes and slowly sits up.

"Hey." Jack says smiling at me. "Wait did we sleep on the roof?" Jack asks taking in his surroundings.

"Yeah." I laugh shaking my head in disbelief.

"Well that would explain the pain in my back." Jack says stretching.

"Yeah well my back doesn't hurt that bad, did you know you make a great pillow." I say teasingly.

"Hahaha you're so funny." Jack says sarcastically.

"Hey guys what the heck are you doing on the roof?" Payson asks her head sticking out my bedroom window.

"Uhhhhh." Jack and I didn't have a reason to give her.

"Whatever, I hope you guys are packed because Rudy just called to say that he is on his way to pick you guys up to take you to the airport." Payson says and Jack and I's eyes widen.

"I totally forgot." I say throwing the blanket off of me and heading inside. Jack follows me inside and watches me pack. "Don't you have to pack?" I ask Jack as I shove some clothes into a duffle bag I had pulled out of my closet.

"I packed before I came over yesterday." Jack says taking a seat on the end of my bed.

"Well then could you help me pack?" I say a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"No if you didn't want to have to rush then you should have packed ahead of time." Jack says as a smirk spreads across his face.

"Please, Jack." I pout taking a seat on Jack's lap and playing with his hair. I bite my lip and give him the puppy dog eyes. I see Jack fighting with himself internally, trying to fight the urge to give in.

"Okay fine but only because you are really cute." Jack says tapping my nose making me giggle. I took out clothes and put them on the bed while Jack folded them and put them in my suitcase. I take out some bras and put them on the bed then head into the bathroom to get all my make up and other bathroom essentials. When I walk into the room I let out a laugh and Jack turns to look at me.

"What the heck are you doing?" I ask in between giggles. Jack was standing still staring at the bras like they were bombs about to go off. "Are you afraid of my bras?" I ask another fit of laughter setting in.

"Pftt...what?" Jack stutters his voice getting higher.

"Jack it's not like you didn't know that I wear these." I say picking up a bra and walking closer to him. He backs away when I step closer. "Jack seriously." I say putting the bras into my bag. "You're acting like a 5th grader who just discovered how babies were made." I say rolling my eyes as I zip up my suitcase.

"Can we please not talk about this right now." Jack sighs sitting in the floral chair in the corner of my room.

"What about sex?" I ask walking over to where Jack is sitting. Jack physically cringes when I say sex. "Jack what's wrong?" I ask concern filling my voice.

"It's nothing let's just finish getting you packed." Jack says starting to get up but I sit him back down in the chair.

"Jack I know it's something come on you know you can tell me anything." I say looking straight into his eyes.

"I know." Jack says looking down at his hands. Then he sighs getting ready to talk. "Okay when I was going out with Bella we were making out one day and she wanted to go all the way so she kind of took off her shirt and bra." Jack explains and I nod my head encouraging him to continue. "Ever since then just thinking about it makes me want to puke." Jack says scrunching up his nose in disgust.

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