A Trip!

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Kim's POV

I sit up in my bed and look around the room, all my friends were gone except...Jack. Of course. I try to stand up slowly and grab my metal tower trying to slip out of the room without waking Jack up. I freeze as I see him stir. "You really can't sneak out of a room with that metal contraption." Jack says his eyes still shut. Dang it!

"Yeah I know." I say through gritted teeth.

"Kim we need to talk." Jack says getting up from his spot.

"Talk about what?" I ask avoiding eye contact with Jack.

"You know what." Jack says taking a step towards me.

"Oh yeah." I say looking at the ground.

"Look Kim that kiss it...." Jack starts.

"Meant nothing." I say cutting him off. "Look Jack I thought about what I said last night and I don't want to stop being friends, but can you not kiss me again." I say with a small laugh.

"Yeah sure." He says looking a little disappointed.

"Good. Why don't we go and get some breakfast." I say heading towards the door and Jack follows behind me. Jack and I head to the cafeteria, when we get there we see our friends eating at table in the corner of the room. We head over to the table and are greeted warmly by our friends.

"Morning." I say as I sit down. "I'm starving." I continue putting my hand on my stomach. "I guess I should have gotten food before I sat down." I say sheepishly. I start trying to get up but Jack stops me.

"I'll get it." He says walking to where the food was. I watch him as he leaves my head tilted to the side.

"Kim are you okay?" Grace asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I say brushing a stray hair from my face.

"No reason." Grace says shaking her head.

"Okay then." I say my voice getting higher.

"Here you go." Jack says placing a tray of food in front of me.

"Thanks." I say smiling at him. I finish eating quickly.

"Attention all hospital staff we have a patient missing. Code red. Kimberly Ann Crawford was last seen last night in her room." The person on the intercom says. We all stop talking when we hear my name.

"Kim were you not suppose to leave your room." Grace says.

"I don't know. I say and we all jump up from our seats. We leave the cafeteria and head for my room. When we get there we see the nurse from last night pacing around the room.

"Kimberly. There you are." She says when she sees up standing in the doorway.

"I didn't know I wasn't suppose to leave the room." I say as she guides me back to the bed.

"Oh, you are allowed to leave." She says as she checks all the machines I am hooked up to.

"Then why did you tell everyone I was missing?" I ask confused.

"I didn't that man did." She says pointing to a familiar figure in the corner. The person steps forward.

"Rudy?" We all say in unison.

"What I thought you were gone." He says raising his hands up innocently.

"Whatever it's okay." I say laughing a little.

"So what are you doing here?" Jack asks taking a seat.

"What? I can't come to see my favorite student in her time of need." Rudy says making dramatic hand gestures.

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