Chapter 1

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xoxo S

"You're screwed, Lou." Liam chuckles as he holds his phone in front of his best friend's face. "Your little adventure from yesterday is all over the internet. Simon is going to freak out, for sure with the tour coming up in a few days."

"Like I care?" Louis rolls his eyes and takes a drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke into Liam's face.

"Stop that! You know I hate that." Liam complains. "You're such a pain in the ass."

"And yet you still want to be my best friend." Louis has a cocky smirk on his face. "Admit that you love it."

"I'm just your friend for your fame and your money bitch." Liam slaps Louis playfully and the nineteen year old singer rolls his eyes and smiles. He knows that Liam is joking. If there is one person on this planet that he can trust with whole his heart, then it's Liam Payne. They are friends since kindergarten. He always has Louis' back, goes on tour with him and just makes sure that Louis' mental health is okay. Liam is happy that his friend is so successful, but he can see the toll that it has on Louis. Louis has always been sassy but more in a funny, bubbly way. Now his sass is more a form of anger.

Louis was only sixteen when he got famous by winning the X-factor. Blind from happiness he signed a contract that he didn't realise it would take away all of his freedom. Louis always says that he isn't a person to his management but a product. He is a marketing stunt. He needs to gain them money and Louis knows the second that his popularity is going down, they will dump him.

The real question is if he would mind that.

And just as Louis is about to answer, he can feel his phone vibrate.

Louis rolls his eyes when he sees the caller ID and just put the phone back into his pocket and not even a second later he hears a knock on his door.

"I'll get it." Liam stands up and a few seconds later Liam comes back followed by an angry Simon Cowell.

"You're ignoring my phone calls." Simon just sits down on the expensive Italian leather couch in Louis' penthouse.

"You're intruding my privacy." Louis shoots back. He remembers how he used to be so scared of Simon Cowell but after being pushed in the closet, taken away his opinions and lack of vacation Louis doesn't really care anymore. There is literally nothing anymore that this man can take away.

"Cut the sass, Tomlinson. I have seen the articles on the internet. What was going on in your head when you went to a gay bar?" Simon crosses his arms and looks straight to the younger boy in front of him.

"I was horny." Louis gives Simon an evil smirk, being proud with his answer.

"Louis William Tomlinson this is not a joke. You don't know what you could have caused. You are lucky that I made sure to do damage control."

"Ugh, what is it this time, Simon? Are you sending me to church camp again to make the gay go away? Didn't work the first time, won't cut it this time. I like dick and Jesus is not going to change that."

Liam, who is keeping himself in the background excuses himself when he chuckles too loud, receiving an angry glare from Simon.

"You should watch your mouth and thank me for solving this problem, Louis. I shouldn't have been spending time looking for a solution to fix this. Time is money and you are taking a lot of my time."

"I'm not asking you to." Louis says while lighting up another cigarette. "You could just let me come out and all the stress of covering up flows away."

"Just like your fans and the money. That's not going to happen. And how many times did I tell you to stop smoking? It's bad for your vocal chords. You're going to mess up your singing. Your voice isn't really stable for the moment so cut all the cigarettes and the alcohol."

"God you're not my mother, Simon. Only people who give birth to me can boss me around." Louis stands up and walks closer to Simon and repeats the action he did to Liam earlier, blowing the smoke in his face.

"If I want to smoke, I smoke. If I want to drink, I drink. If I want to suck dick, I suck. And you can come up with as many cover ups as you want, that's not going to change. And one day people will find out and you know what's going to happen Simon? They won't give a fuck because we are not in the medieval time anymore."

"Are you ready with your little 'I am a rebel speech'? Because we have stuff to do. Now take whatever you need, I have to take you somewhere."

Please let him drive me to a forest and kill me so I don't have to deal with his bullshit anymore.

"Whatever. Li, are you coming?" Louis grabs his jeans jacket and Liam nods, grabbing his own as well. The two of them follow Simon and step into his car, only to arrive at a random house around ten minutes later.

Liam and Louis step out of the car and give each other questioning looks as Simon rings the doorbell.

"Hello, mister Cowell. Please come in. Eleanor is in the living room."

"Thank you so much, Deborah. I brought Louis with me."

"Hi, darling! Eleanor is so excited to meet you. You'll have great fun." The woman has a big smile on her face and it's creepy as fuck. Liam face says that he is thinking exactly the same.

And when the boys arrive in the living room they see a brunette around their age. She is pretty but she has a vagina so no, not Louis' type. Louis' brain is working. He is sure he has seen the girl already before.

"Hi, I'm Eleanor." The girl smiles, stretching her arm. "I can see you think. I served you quite some shots yesterday in the bar." She chuckles.

"Oh yeah! Now I know why I recognise your face. I'm Louis by the way. So what do you have to do? Make up a story? Delete the evidence that I was there? False witness? What did that big bad man make you do?" Louis jokes.

"Well, he is paying me to be your girlfriend for at least the whole tour."

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now