Chapter 11

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I had the time to write two chapters today my loves xoxo

"God, Lou this was so much fun." Harry says when they are walking back to the city centre, hoping to find a taxi that leads them back to the bus.

They messed around in the sea, played some football on the beach and joined some teenagers on a game of beach volleyball.

"It's honestly the most fun I ever had on tour." Louis confesses. "Today was a good day. We should have made peace a long time ago, Hazza. I think this tour would have been more fun then."

"It would have been." Harry agrees. "Crazy how we go from fighting to acting like we know each other our whole lives yeah? I'm glad it changed. I hope we don't get in too much trouble though, especially you." Harry bites his fingernails.

"Don't worry about me. Simon wanted some Larry action, he got some. I'm sure some people recognised us and tweeted about it our something."

"Probably." Harry nods. "Look, Lou there's a taxi!" Harry points at a yellow car. He starts to wave with his two hands and Louis looks at him fondly. He is such a dork.

"Hola, sir! Vamos a la tourbus from Louis ! It's euhm near the halla de concerto? ' Harry points at the older boy next to him and Louis can't contain his laughter. He can't handle this boy.

The man gives Harry a weird look but nods. Louis tells him the name of the concert hall and this time the driver knows where he has to go to.

"I've never seen you this open, Haz not even with Eleanor. It's amazing. I didn't know you were funny." Louis jokes as they are in the taxi.

"Hey! I'm funny! Want to hear a joke?"

"Sure, Hazza."

"Okay so listen carefully, yeah! This is my best joke!' (it is mine in real life, you can hate me later)

"I'm excited now!" Louis smiles as he watches the curly boy warm up his voice like he is going to do a concert instead of telling a joke.

"Two balloons are flying around in the dessert, says one balloon to the other: 'Take care for the cactusszzzzzzzzz!" Harry starts to laugh uncontrollably and Louis gives him a puzzled look combined with an amused smile.

"YOU GET IT LOU? CACTUSSSSSZZZZ! BECAUSE HE FLEW AGAINST IT HIMSELF! BALLOON! HAAHAHAHAHHA" and Louis sees the taxi driver watch him with a confused expression as well. For Harry's sake Louis starts to laugh. Not because of the joke but because of how Harry is right now. It warms Louis' heart and he chuckles, admiring Harry.

"You're unbelievable, Hazza." Louis' hand goes automatically to Harry's curls and he plays with them. "God I'm glad that we are friends now."

And immediately the mood turns from joking to seriousness.

"Do you want to stay friends after the tour is over? Or is it just now because you are stuck with me?" Harry is scared to look the older boy in the eyes.

"Is that a serious question? Haz, we're good friends right? I mean... I don't feel like I'm stuck with you. I'm happy you are here. You're making things a lot more fun. You still haven't noticed that I took a liking on you, Curly?" Louis says teasingly, his hand going through Harry's hair.

"Yeah, I took a liking on you as well, Lou. You are awesome. Not everybody would have given me a chance after the way I acted towards you. Thank you for it, I'm really happy we turned out like this."

"I did too." Blue and green meet and both boys just stare into each other's eyes, not saying a word until the taxi driver stops, the big concert building in front of them.

Louis scrapes his throat and both boys look down, blushing like crazy. Louis pays and Harry mumbles a 'merci' to the driver.

"Merci is French, Haz." Louis laughs.

"Whatever! I showed him my gratefulness, that must be enough!" Harry throws his arm over Louis' shoulder and pulls the boy closer to him. "Now let's face the lions."


"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" Simon is standing in front of Louis. Apparently he had to fly out to Spain immediately after he heard that Louis escaped. He isn't happy at all.

"What are you going to say, Simon?" Louis gives him an annoyed look, still wearing only his pair of swimming shorts and Harry's frog hat.

"Is that a serious question? You had an interview this morning and you just leave without even taking your phone with you, pulling young Harold into your mess! And now the two of you arrive like you are some crazy tourists and is that a frog hat?"

Simon is fuming and Harry looks down ashamed, scared as hell. Louis remembers being in his position, but that's long gone. He takes Harry's hand to calm him down as he speaks to Simon.

"I like my frog hat."

"Louis, this is not about the frog hat. This is about you ignoring your orders." Simon snaps.

"Oh I'm sorry, Simon. I didn't know I was your fucking dog who just has to follow orders." Louis snaps. "Last time I checked I am a human and I should be respected like one."

"Louis I don't have time for your bullshit. I told you to do the interview and you run off wearing frog hats with a teenage boy! I had to fly over because you were lost only to see pictures from you a few hours later playing fucking beach volleyball?"

"I'm only nineteen myself, Simon and I do deserve some fun. I'm sorry if that bothers you." Louis rolls his eyes. "Harry and I had a day at the beach and we had a lot of fun. I was living the youth that you took from me." Louis can feel Harry's sad eyes on the side of his face but he ignores them. He doesn't need pity.

"I don't have time to scold you now. You have your concert in two hours. You better not mess this up. I'm rescheduling your interview to tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is my day off!" Louis whines.

"Not my problem. You brought this on yourself. Now go change and take off that ugly frog hat!"

Louis doesn't say a word, just flips Simon off and changes into the clothes that Danielle has prepared.

He is wearing the frog hat during his concert because fuck Simon Cowell and it's from his Hazza.

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα