Chapter 26

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Lalalalala enjoy :) 

It's a few hours later when Louis wakes up from a very nice smell. When he looks next to him Harry isn't there anymore. He feels empty without him.

"Hazza?" Louis calls out.

"In the kitchen!"

Louis grabs the first sweater he sees, which is Harry's, because it's cold and he walks towards the small kitchen of the hotel room.

"Have you slept okay?" Harry turns around and goes to Louis. He kisses the top of his head. "You're wearing my sweater. It' cute btw."

Louis blushes and he hides his hands in the sleeves that are too long.

"I had a good sleep, thank you."

"Go back to bed, the tacos are almost done. I'll come and bring yours. Is that okay, Lou?" Louis nods and after a bit of hesitating he kisses Harry's cheek, thanking him for the food that he is cooking. Harry says that it's okay and Louis goes back to bed, grabbing the remote of the tv to kill time while Harry is in the kitchen.

He rolls his eyes when he sees himself on tv. It's really on TMZ that Louis fainted? Is it that interesting?

Louis looks at himself while he is singing and the colour of his face is literally disappearing and only a few seconds later he can see himself fall on the floor. But that's not the interesting part. The interesting part is Harry.

Harry who pushes everybody aside to get to Louis and immediately takes him in his arms. He is crying so hard and he is stroking Louis' hair, begging to open his eyes. There is a doctor and it takes 3 security guys to drag Harry away from him. Harry is kicking his legs, trying to escape from their grip but he can't. He just watches as some doctor is with Louis.

"I was so scared." Harry whispers, two plates on a tray in his hand. "I thought I lost you."

"It's alright, love. I'm alright, okay? I'm not going to leave you." Louis coos. He takes a plate and puts it on his lap. The two of them are silent during dinner until Louis starts to talk.

"I heard your fight with Eleanor." He admits. "Where is she going?"

"Her dad is really sick. They called her while the doctor was looking at you. She is going back home until he is fine again."

"The one that owns the bar I went to?" Louis asks.

Harry shakes his head. "No, that's her real dad. Her stepdad is sick, but he means a lot more to her. She hates her real dad who owns the bar."

"Why?" Louis raises his eyebrow.

"Because he left her mother for a man." Harry is scared to look Louis in the eyes.

"Oh, right... What did she mean with you being sick like your sister?" Louis doesn't know why but he keeps asking. He wants to know the answers. He wants to know everything about the guy he is in love with. "Is she alright? Are you alright, Haz? It's nothing too bad I hope."

Harry shakes his head. "My sister is fine, really. She is okay."

"Then why Eleanor says that she is sick?"

Louis sees that Harry is trying to control his tears and he grabs his hand. "You don't have to tell me, Haz if you are not comfortable. I do want to know one thing though. Why are you still with her? You are so beautiful, so kind, loving, why do you pull up with her? She hits you so many times, Harry. She physically and mentally abuses you and I don't care if you hate me after saying this, it's just that you deserve so much better." Louis' finger is going over Harry's eye that's covered in make-up. "Nobody deserves to be beaten up, but for sure not you, my little frog." Louis is crying himself as he thinks about the pain that Harry is going through.

"I don't have a choice, Lou." Harry sobs. "I'm stuck. I have to be with her. You are not the only one that is forced in a relationship with her."

"What do you mean? Baby, look at me, talk to me." Louis puts his finger under Harry's chin.

"Eleanor's stepfather is so rich and my father messed up with the business. The only way to save Styles enterprises is when they go together with the company of Eleanor's stepdad. That will only happen if I marry Eleanor. When this tour is over... Louis I have to propose to her. I'll be stuck with her for the rest of my life and there is nothing that I can do. I have been crying, begging on my knees to not be with her. I don't love her. But if I don't do it they will kick me out, Lou. I won't have one pound, not a roof to live under, no food on the table, I will have nothing. I don't have a choice. She has the power and she knows it. I know that my dad will call me when Eleanor arrived to scold me that I didn't come with her. I'm going to be in so much trouble."

"Baby..." Louis cries now as hard as Harry. He didn't expect this. He really thought that the boy was in love with the psycho bitch. "I can give you all the money you need. You can live with me, I can buy you a flat, whatever you want. I will make sure you won't miss anything. Don't do this to yourself... And what about your sister that's sick? Does she have to marry someone she doesn't love?"

"She isn't sick, Louis. She is happily engaged. She is poor now, but I have never seen her so happy."

"Why did Eleanor say that she is sick?"

"She is engaged to a girl. She is gay. And Eleanor is right. I am like her. I am gay too and just like you I am stuck in the closet. I do know what you are going through... But I will never have an option to get out. In a few months I'll be waiting for Eleanor in front of the altar."

"You will get to come out, baby. I will make sure of that. I will not let you marry her, Haz. I will not let you live in misfortune, I can't. I care way too much about you. We'll get through this, you and me." Louis holds up his pinkie and Harry connects his own with it.

"You and me." 

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now