Chapter 17

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Thank you for caring about my safety. I am alright now :) Enjoy the chapter and guys I love u all so much

It already has been more than half an hour and Louis is still playing. He doesn't look at the time and he feels like he has only been playing for like 10 minutes. When he gets a pass from Griezmann he doesn't think and he skilfully passes some players and he kicks the ball right in the left corner, Ter Stegen not being able to stop Louis' power kick.

"OMG I SCORED!" The singer jumps happily and the French player runs towards him. Automatically Louis jumps in his arms and he can feel Griezmann's hands on his butt.

That's hot.

"You did so good, Louis!" Antoine strokes some hair behind Louis' ear that was stuck on his forehead because of all the sweat.

"Thanks man! That pass was amazing, anyone could score." Louis compliments the French player. He sees Antoine wink at him, his hand still resting on Louis' behind and Louis blushes, batting his eyelashes.

It's not like he has any feelings for the man but his idol is clearly flirting with him, he is hot and the last time Louis came was in the dirty toilets of McDonald's. He would go for a quicky with him. It's not like the boy he actually wants will do something. He is straight as fuck.

Harry. Louis looks at the bleachers and to his surprise the curly boy is gone. He can see him jumping on one leg towards the exit.

"Hey, I should go check up on my friend. I think he needs help to get to the toilet." Louis says.

"It was really nice playing with you, Louis. See you tonight after the game? We could go out for a drink if you want at my house." Antoine's fingers are brushing over Louis' hip and the singer can feel the heat burning. He really wants to get laid, but he also can't leave Harry just on his own.

"I'll come to the game. I have to check with Harry though how he is feeling. I'll see you." Louis waves at the guys and then jogs over to Harry who is only five steps further than last time.

"Hey, Hazza!" Louis puts his hand on Harry's shoulder but the younger boy just keeps walking, or he tries to.

"Harry!" Louis repeats, now completely stopping the boy.

"Let go of me, Louis." Harry snaps.

It makes Louis gasps and he looks at the boy carefully now. His eyes are red and he can still see that his cheeks are wet.

"Baby, are you in so much pain?" Louis asks worriedly, drying Harry's cheek with his hands. "We can go to a hospital now."

"My ankle is fucking alright, okay."

And Louis' mouth drops. Harry has never cursed before.

It's hot, but so not Harry.

"Then what's wrong? You can tell me. Come on, I'll carry you to the locker rooms and we'll talk. I need a shower."

Harry is protesting but he can't help but smile when he is being carried bridal style, feeling safe in Louis' arms. He hides his face in the crook of Louis' neck. He is so ashamed of himself that he keeps making drama but as selfish as it is, he just wants Louis to himself.

And when they arrive in the locker rooms Louis puts Harry down carefully, kissing his head after. He is sitting down on Harry's level, so he can look into his eyes.

"What's wrong, curly? You're crying and I hate to see you sad." Louis whispers, putting a curl behind Harry's ear.

"It's stupid." Harry mumbles, not looking into Louis' eyes.

"It's making you upset so I'm sure it isn't, baby." Louis takes place next to Harry on the bench and then pulls him on his lap, stroking Harry's leg calmly. "Tell me."

"I just don't have the feeling that you need me here." Harry confesses, a huge weight leaving his shoulders. Louis has been around the French guy already all morning and when he jumped in his arms, both of them flirting with each other, Harry just lost it.

"Why? Hazza, I really want you here." Louis assures, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder who's sitting on his lap.

"I think you would have been just fine by your own. You are always with that grizzly anyway and you don't even look at me." Harry pouts. "It's like I'm invisible to you. It's stupid but... You've always been touchy-feely towards me and I have never seen you like that with someone else. You are not like that with Zayn or Niall so I guess it just kind of upsets me that I'm not special? That you easily find someone else to be close with? It's stupid..."

Louis' heart clenches and he automatically pulls Harry closer to him.

"He is one of the best football players in the world, Haz. I idolise him. It's not like I'm going to call and text him when I'm gone. He is not you. You know very well that you are my one and only frog. So about your ankle?"

"I faked it." Harry admits. "I didn't want to embarrass myself even more."

"So we don't have to go see a doctor?"

Harry stands up and jumps a few times to prove his point that yes, his ankle is actually fine.

"And you made me carry you, huh." Louis stands up and walks closer to Harry until he is with his back to the wall.

He can see Harry's eyes go wide and they go from Louis' eyes to Louis' lips.

"I think you deserved that after you left me all by myself just to go around and flirt with that stupid football player." Harry snorts, trying to ignore his heartbeat that is going a billion time faster as usually.

"Why does it bother you, baby." Louis whispers in Harry's ear, pressing his body closer to Harry's.

"Because I'm your number one, Louis. You dragged me here. I want your full attention like you always give me. Mister Eiffel Tower doesn't deserve it. It pisses me off that he flirts with you. He probably has a girlfriend or something and he shouldn't try with you. You deserve the fucking world. I don't want you to live from one nightstand to one nightstand. You are worth so much more." Harry's voice is raspy and he looks straight into Louis' eyes.

"Boys that are willing to love me unconditionally don't just walk into my closet and join me, Harry." Louis looks down sadly. 

"The right one will, and he will drag you out of there." 

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