Chapter 6

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I have the time to give you two today bcs I love you

Louis' first concert was a-ma-zing. That's exactly how the boy is feeling right now as well. The cheering fans, the adrenaline from being on stage. He needed this concert to remind him why he is going through all this. The smiling faces of his fans lessen the pain of being in the closet.

Now Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry and Eleanor are sitting in the backstage. Louis can't help but keep teasing Harry. His reactions are hilarious and he is getting all red and nervous.

When they are all chilling Louis winks discretely at him, getting the reaction that he hoped for. Nobody seems to notice, only Harry.

"And how was your first concert ever then, Niall?" Eleanor asks, starting a conversation. "It must be amazing to be able to work with such an amazing artist as Louis."

Louis feels like throwing up. Eleanor keeps throwing herself at him. She stayed during the soundcheck being all giggly and fangirling screaming 'Oh my god Lou you are so good'.

Harry doesn't notice his girlfriend trying to get into Louis' pants and it's honestly frustrating. Why did Simon ever think that this was a good idea? Eleanor wants to fuck a gay singer and her boyfriend gets a boner from seeing him naked. And the award of worst couple of the year goes to....

"Lou, want to go for a smoke?" Zayn asks after some talking.

"Yeah sure. You have one for me? I forgot mine in the tour bus."

"Sure thing, mate." Louis follows the boy outside and they are going to sit on the sidewalk, Zayn lighting up Louis' cigarette.

"Was a good first show." Zayn starts to talk. "Good energy."

"It was." Louis agrees. "Had a lot of fun. Did your boyfriend enjoy it?"

"What?" Zayn asks.

"Niall. He said that he loved it but probably because I was sitting there as well. Did he actually enjoy the show?" Louis asks.

"I think so. He looks happy, doesn't he? I didn't really have the chance yet to talk to him. I've always been with you, Tommo. Talking about boyfriends. What's going on with that Eleanor girl? Is it just me or is she actually trying to suck your dick?" Zayn chuckles.

"Don't talk about it. It's annoying as fuck. She even wants to hold my hand if we are in here because 'we might never know who is in here as well' and 'we can't take risks'. Bullshit. I don't get her. Her boyfriend is smoking hot. Okay, he is an annoying rich boy but he looks so good and he isn't a dick towards her. Why would she flirt with me? That's just stupid." Louis takes a drag of his cigarette.

"It's not stupid, Louis. You are attractive and you are the perfect boyfriend in front of the world. I would even fall for you if you'd be with me like you are now with her. You hold her hand, kiss her cheek, call her pet names. You are quite the type, Tommo."

"Bullshit." Louis huffs. "She has such a sweet boyfriend that does anything for her. He is going to study one year later so he could join her on this tour. The fact that he didn't even break up because all of this is a miracle.

She gets all the love someone can wish yet she is trying with someone else. Even if I were straight, and yeah she is really pretty, I wouldn't go for her. Someone who is able to go so easily to someone else when they are together with someone that would give them the world. It's disgusting, Zayn and it pisses me off. She has the chance to find love. She has someone that cares about her the way I want someone to care about me. Yet I am not even able to look for it and she is ready to throw it away for a gay singer. Pathetic bitch."

"I see where you are coming from." Zayn hums. "Harry is indeed very sweet for her. He is like her personal assistant. How many times a day does he get her drinks?" Harry jokes. "Next time they should give him a waiter outfit."

Louis laughs as well.

"Harry is a funny kid." Louis says. "He saw me naked and he got a boner. It was pretty funny. Don't tell anyone though. It's kind of private. I do trust you."

"He got a boner?" Zayn's mouth goes wide. "Like because you were naked?"

"Yes from me being naked, Zayn. I promise Ariana Grande was not naked behind me."

"Ugh, that would be nice." Zayn bites his lip and Louis slaps him playfully. "I still don't get how you can think about pussies when you literally had my dick."

Zayn rolls his eyes and destroys the but of his cigarette with his shoe, squeezing it on the ground. "You tire me, Tomlinson. Let's go inside."

When both boys are back inside Louis sees that Eleanor is sitting on Harry's lap. The two of them are making out and Niall is eating crisps.

Niall is such a mood.

But when Eleanor sees that Louis is back she jumps off Harry's lap and immediately takes place next to the singer. Louis really doesn't want her near him but it's kind of rude to just say that and he still has to spend a few months with her.

"Louis, we have to go out together. Simon just texted me." Eleanor says holding her phone in front of Louis as proof. Louis' eyes go over the message of Simon that indeed says that Eleanor and him have to be spotted together. Just fucking great.

"We can go grab McDonald's I guess." Louis sighs, really not in the mood to go out. It's already quite late as well but Simon probably arranged some paps in front of the building.

"Eleanor doesn't eat McDonalds." Harry says. "She doesn't like the grease."

And really Louis admires how Harry is always so defending towards his girlfriend but it's fucking annoying as well. Louis doesn't give a shit about what Eleanor wants because he really can't stand the girl.

"Well then she can order a salad." Louis rolls his eyes.

"You have to be more respectful towards her, Louis. She is doing this for you. She should start uni with me this year but we both don't because of you."

"Then go out of the fucking door and leave Harry because I'd rather have you not here than you complaining all the fucking time. If you don't want to be here, well then go." Louis really can't deal with that boy. He is giving him a feeling of frustration but then so much deeper.

"It's about how you treat a girl right." Harry spats.

"Well Harry I'm gay so it's kind of obvious that I don't know how to do that shit, right?"

"Don't worry, Louis." Eleanor puts her hand on Louis' chest which makes the singer feel really uncomfortable. "I'm alright with McDonalds. I can do it for once, Haz."

And okay Harry is always bitchy towards Louis but it breaks Louis' heart as he sees the younger boy look down. He only wanted to defend his girlfriend and she doesn't even have his back while the only thing he does is having hers.

"You should thank your boyfriend for wanting the best for you." Louis doesn't say anything more and grabs Eleanor's hand, ready for their first fake date.

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now