Chapter 5

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Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had an exam today.

Enjoy, loves


"Can you get out of the way?" Louis snaps when Harry is standing in front of his door, blocking the way to the bathroom.

"I came to apologise." Harry says, head down. "I should have thought about the fact that this situation isn't easy for you either."

"Great. Can you please go out of my way now? I have to take a shower." Louis is so tired and stressed because only in a couple hours he has his first concert of the new tour and it's the first time that he can sing songs that he has written himself. A nervous Louis means definitely a snappy Louis.

"I'm apologising, there is no need to be like this you know. You could be friendly. I regret apologising now. You are such a prick."

"Okay, thank you for your opinion about which I don't give a fuck. Can you leave now or I will push your head under my sweaty armpit." Louis rolls his eyes. He is not in the mood for a moody teenager now. Okay, Louis is only one year older but still... He just wants to take a shower. He has to be showered before arriving at the venue.

"That's just disgusting. How do you even have fans? Pig."

"Where is your beloved girlfriend Harry? Can you not annoy her?" Louis pushes him aside, not to harshly of course. The boy is annoying but Louis isn't violent.

"She is having a nap and the only thing I wanted to do is apologise to you. You don't deserve my kindness."

Louis starts to laugh loudly as he takes his towel and puts it over his shoulder.

"That's probably why you don't give me any."


"Of course I didn't bring my clothes." Louis groans as he steps out of the shower. He considers to wear his previous clothes for a bit but they really smell horrible and Louis would literally have to shower again. He wraps the towel around him and leaves the bathroom. He is honestly a good looking lad ad there is nothing wrong with walking around like this. It's also his tour bus so if people mind well... their problem.

So Louis walks out of the bathroom and goes to the kitchen because he needs an energy drink and he refuses to leave his room once he is there again until they get to the venue. He takes one out of the fridge and as he turns around, he bumps into someone.

Of course his fucking towel drops.

"Oh my god, I... Louis, your towel, euhm, it's, yeah, euhm." Harry's face is crimson red and he can barely speak. His eyes are glued on Louis' body and it gives Louis confidence. Automatically a cocky grin appears on his face .

"Are you aright, Harry?" He leans against the counter, not even bothering to grab his white towel from the floor. This is way too funny and Louis isn't ashamed about his body. He knows he looks good. He has nothing to be ashamed of.

"I euh, yeah." Harry bites his lip and nervously tugs at the end of his sleeve. "Good yeah good."

Harry's eyes are on Louis' crotch and the older boy immediately looks at the one from the other boy. He can see a bulge through his dark pair of too tight skinnies that he is still wearing and god this situation turns Louis on but he is thinking about naked grandmothers so he doesn't get excited as well. He is a little bit too exposed for that and he loves having the upper hand.

"Do you like what you see, Harry?" He licks his lips teasingly after biting it discretely. He can hear Harry's breath going faster and his eyes are about to pop out.

But it's like Louis' question pulls him out of his trance. He regains his posture and his wide eyes turn angry.

"Oh my god can you just wear clothes. That's the least you can do if you live in a bus together with other people."

"You didn't seem to mind." Louis winks and he can see Harry blush again. It's honestly so hilarious.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't fancy to see male genitalia."

And Louis bursts out in laughter when Harry says that, clamping on his stomach. This guy is getting weirder with the second.

"The male genitalia?" he repeats in a mocking voice. "Really, Harry? Just say dick."

"Why would I say that."

"Because that's what you mean. You want to say that you don't want to see my dick, although I don't believe you."

"I'm not saying that word it sounds horrible. Male genitalia is the correct name."

"Say dick."


"Come on, say dick. Live a little, Harold." Louis is literally having the time of his life, working up the boy. He does decide to put his towel back on. It's getting a little chilly.

"Thank lord you are covering that. You are really disgusting Louis Tomlinson. And stop calling me Harold that is not my name nor is Harry short for it. "

Louis leans over towards Harry and he feels the boy stiffen under him when he puts his hand on Harry's shoulder. His lips are touching Harry's ear.

"Get some new insults, love. As much fun as this was, I need to get dressed. I'll see you later." Louis leaves the boy like a statue and right before he leaves the kitchen he turns around one more time.

"Oh, if you ask your girlfriend to get rid of that..." Louis says pointing at Harry's bulge "Don't be too loud. I'm going for a nap. Have fun... Harold."

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