Chapter 25

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Here you gooooo!

Louis just nods and smiles during the interview. He is light headed. Taking care of Harry's eye made that Louis still hasn't eaten. About that, Danielle did a great job with the make-up. You can't see anymore that Harry's eye actually looks horrible.

Louis just answers some questions, but he is too tired to make any jokes. He is so drained from all this drama with Harry and Liam. He is happy when the presenter finally says that it's time to say goodbye but right after Louis' song.

And maybe Louis shouldn't have picked one of those heart breaking songs to sing, hurting his own heart even more.

And yeah, I let you use me from the day that we first met. But I'm not done yet, falling for your fool's gold. And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met, but I don't regret falling for your fool's gold.

And Louis' sight is blurry and his head is spinning. All the emotions attacking him, the stress from the tour, the lack of food,... Louis doesn't know anymore which words are leaving his mouth. He has no clue what's around him. It's then when suddenly everything is black and he doesn't feel anything for a while. It's pretty amazing.


The hard underground is replaced by a soft one when Louis opens his eyes. He doesn't recognise the room, but he figures out that he is probably in a hotel. He can hear two voices scream at each other and Louis can't help but focus on them, curious what they are fighting about.

"I can't believe you, Harry! You have to support me! I'm your GIRLFRIEND! I have to go home because my father is ill. You have to come with me!" Eleanor screams.

"I'm not coming with you. It would be suspicious because why would Louis' best friend go with his girlfriend? By the way, Louis needs me as well. He doesn't have anybody else and he is not fine. I'm not going back to England with you."

"But I want you to come with me!"

"I won't! I'm staying with Louis. I have to take care of him!"

"Fuck you, Harry! Are you sick like your sister?"

And a silence is held between the two until Louis hears the sound of slapping skin. She slapped him again.

"I'm going home, Simon booked my flight. I'll be back when I can. I will discuss this with my father, though. I am tired of this relationship. You never put me first." Louis hears some shuffling and then a door shuts. He quickly closes his eyes again when he hears footsteps coming closer to him. A hand is going through his feathery hair.

"Be okay, Lou..." he can hear Harry's raspy voice, which means he is crying. Louis can also feel a tear on his arm. "Please be okay, please don't hate me. You are all I've got, all I want. I'm so sorry for messing everything up. I'm such a selfish jerk. I'm staying with you. I know how you hate it when I pick Eleanor over you, but I didn't. This time I did what I wanted and that's staying with you. I will make it all up to you, baby. Please open your eyes. The doctor said that it's because of stress and you barely had any food. We can fix that, baby I promise. Please be happy, please don't hate me."

And Louis can't pretend to be asleep anymore. His heart hurts and his eyes are tearing. He acts like he casually wakes up.

"Haz..." he mumbles.

"Boo, hey boo you're okay." Harry strokes his face with his fingers and kisses his forehead. "You're okay, baby." He repeats, now more in a sigh of relief.

"What happened?"

"You passed out during your performance. I was so worried, Lou. I was so scared. You just fell down and..." Harry is full out sobbing. "I can't lose you, Lou."

"Come here." Louis shuffles a bit and makes some space for Harry. Harry obeys and he pulls up the blanket and lies down next to Louis. The singer immediately pulls him in a hug. He isn't angry anymore, still very hurt, but not angry. "I'm okay, Hazza. I just skipped too many meals and stuff, but I'm alright."

"I'm going to make you tacos. You love tacos. You have to eat, Lou. You don't have an eating disorder right? If you do, we will fight it together, I promise. You'll be alright, baby I'm here." Harry clams himself on Louis.

"I don't have on, love. I just felt bad. Don't worry, I'll probably eat all your tacos and leave you with none." Louis tries to keep the situation light.

"Okay, that's fine. We have a lot of talking to do, Louis." Harry whispers.

"We do. But I'm so tired. Can you just hold me now while I sleep? We'll talk later."

Harry nods and he pulls Louis towards him, kissing his forehead.

"Tell me if you need anything, okay baby?" Harry whispers.

Louis just nods, too tired to answer and he completely snuggles into Harry. He has so many questions, one of them being why he didn't go with Eleanor. He wants to know what he is to Harry because his heart is getting more and more attached to the curly boy. 

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now