Chapter 16

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I'm back guys!

I passed all my exams and yesterday I arrived back home from hell. It was a horrible experience and I'm just so happy that I'm back home. I have never cried so much in my whole life and never in my life someone treated me like that. My boss really treated me like I was some kind of dog, making me do stuff that isn't human. But it's over now and I have properly time to write again. I'm so happy because I truly missed it. I hope you will enjoy this chappie, please comment :) 

Louis could hear Eleanor and Harry argue right after Harry agreed to spend the day with Louis. He couldn't hear what it was about, but Louis figured and he hasn't slept all night, scared that the curly boy would say that in the end he isn't able to come with Louis. Harry always does what Eleanor asks him to do. He is really like a lost puppy when it comes to her.

But when Louis sees Harry the next morning in a pair of white shorts that are a bit too tight and a light blue polo, Louis smiles. Not because of his ridiculous outfit that reminds Louis that Harry is mommy's little rich boy, but because he is wearing sports clothes and that means he will tag along, even though Eleanor made a big drama about it.

Harry blushes when he sees that Louis is staring a bit too long and Louis smirks.

"Haven't seen you in these kind of clothes for a while, curly." He teases. "Don't worry, though. You wear what you want to wear, don't listen to anyone." Louis coos, fixing the collar of Harry's polo.

"These are the only kind of sporty clothes that I have." Harry admits. "I'm not going to lie, I didn't think I would play football on this tour with the guy that openly kisses my girlfriend while I can't." Harry chuckles.

And it makes Louis' smile drop.

Because that's what he is. The boy that messes around with his girlfriend in public.

"Hey, what's that face?" Harry's green eyes show worry in them and he grabs Louis' hand to show him comfort.

"It's nothing. Sometimes I just forget that you are actually forced to spend time with me, that's all." Louis' voice is soft and breakable. He gets into those kind of negative thoughts easily.

"I wasn't forced to come with you today, but here I am. I'm not forced to be your friend, but we are right Lou? Don't be so self-conscious. I wish that you could see how amazing you are through my eyes. You are really amazing, Louis Tomlinson. If you let me I will always be your friend. Come here, I can see that you need a hug. Let me give you a hug." And Harry pulls Louis closer to him with the hand that he was already holding and pulls the smaller boy right into his body, his hand rubbing Louis' back comfortingly. "Meeting you is one of the best things that could happen to me, boo." Harry mumbles into Louis' hair. "The very best thing actually."

Louis doesn't answer with words, just snuggles closer into Harry. This is what he needed, a proper hug and someone that tells him what he is worth. Louis needs someone to remind him that and usually Liam does, but he isn't here and hearing Harry say it means so much more to Louis, he doesn't know why, but it does.


"Are you nervous?" Louis looks at Harry. Both of them are sitting on the bleachers while the players of FC Barcelona are warming up. He can see the boy next to him bite his nails and his feet are tapping on the floor.

"I'm scared that I'm going to embarrass myself." Harry admits. "I can't play football at all."

Louis stands up and runs away, coming back with a ball a few seconds later.

"Stand up, Haz. I'm going to teach you the basics before we start." He smalls, juggling the ball skilfully with his feet.

"I will probably kick the ball against a player's head and they'll die or something." Harry mumbles under his breath while he stands up from the bleachers.

"Don't flatter yourself, Styles. You don't have that much power in your kicks. Now, we'll start off easily. Stop the ball with your foot." Louis kicks the ball right at Harry's foot and the younger boy tries to stop it, but the ball just rolls between his legs. Harry pouts and Louis smiles because it's just so cute.

"I can't even stop the ball." Harry groans. "I'm such a loser."

"No worries, Hazza. Just give me back the ball and we'll try again." Louis gives him a sweet smile and Harry does as told, throwing the ball at Louis.

Louis kicks the ball again, only this time Harry falls over the ball, twisting his ankle.

"Auw!" the boy grabs at his foot and Louis runs over to him, kneeling next to the boy.

"Hazza are you okay?" he asks worriedly. "Omg, let me get some ice. I'm sure they have some a bit further where the boys are playing." Louis runs over to the team and a bit later he comes back with one of the players. Harry doesn't know his name. He only knows a few from the English team and Ronaldo, that's basically it.

Louis presses the ice to Harry's ankle while talking to the player, like Harry isn't there. The younger boy crosses his arms as Louis speaks to the boy with a thick accent.

"Harry, this is Antoine Griezmann." Louis says after a few minutes. "He is an amazing player from France, you know, the world champion."

"Nice to meet you." The boy smiles. Harry just glares at him. He doesn't like him at all. Louis doesn't seem to notice and he keeps talking to the French boy, annoying Harry like crazy. "Should I help you carrying him back to the bleacher?" Antoine turns back to Louis.

The singer smiles and nods, making Harry feel angry. Louis can only smile like that to him and not to some stranger that just plays footie well. Harry is so pissed.

Antoine is about to take Harry's arm but the younger boy pulls away. "I don't need your help." He snaps. He crawls to the bleachers. His ankle is hurting but he doesn't care. He is not letting the stranger touch him or impress Louis even more. That's not going to happen. And when Harry is at the bleachers again Louis is still talking to the football player. Harry has this strange feeling in his body and he just wants to cry. He doesn't know what's happening, he just knows that he really doesn't like Louis talking to that boy.

A few minutes later Louis jogs back with a bottle of water. "Here, drink." Louis smiles, handing Harry the bottle.

"I'm good."

"You should drink. Come on, Haz."

"I said that I'm good." Harry snaps, crossing his arms. He doesn't know why he can feel tears burn in his eyes. He is being over dramatic, but these are his feelings.

Louis can see Harry's glassy eyes and he turns to the boy, stroking his hair.

"Harry, what's wrong baby?" Louis wipes away a tear with his thumb.

"My ankle just hurts." Harry lies, not wanting to tell Louis that he is upset about him talking to a football player. It doesn't make fucking sense.

"Hey, if you want I will say to the guys that I'm not participating in there little game and we can go back to the bus so you can rest. Like this you might be able to watch the game later." Louis' thumb is now caressing Harry's cheek and concern is written in his eyes.

And a wave of guilt washes over Harry. This is Louis' special day. Football means the world to the boy and Harry is literally crying because Louis talks to probably one of his idols. He can't be that selfish, not to Louis.

"It's alright. I'm good. I can take a painkiller. You should go and join them." Harry gives Louis a watery smile.

"Harry, I don't have to. I care more about your wellbeing..."

"It's alright. I'm being over dramatic. Come on now, Boo. It's your day, go enjoy it. I'm alright. Just buy me food later and I'm happy." Harry cracks a joke and Louis smiles weakly at him.

"I will play for a little bit but not till the end so I can take you out to eat properly. You deserve that after I forced you to play football. I'll be back in half an hour." Louis kisses Harry's cheek before running off to the other players.

And if Harry stares dirtily at the French football player that Louis stares at like he is his whole world while his hand is resting on the cheek that the singer just kissed, that's really no one's business.

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now