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One year later

"I don't want to go back..." Louis murmurs against Harry's lips as they are making out in the toilets.

"Lou, it's literally our own wedding party that's one year too late. We should go back and not be locked up in the toilet making out." Harry chuckles.

"But people will talk to me again..." Louis whines. "I don't want to talk to people, I want to kiss you." And as the words have left Louis' mouth he immediately presses his lips against Harry's, earning a moan from the younger boy.

"Baby..." Harry whimpers as Louis attacks his neck. "Come on, we have to show our faces."

Louis sighs and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his white button up.

"Fine, just know that when this party is over and we are back home I'm going to ravish you." Louis whispers in Harry's ear, making the boy breathless.

"You're a tease." Harry hisses as he grabs Louis' hand, leaving the bathroom stalls. They are like two high school teenagers on their own wedding party, secretly making out in the toilets. It's hot though.

"Louis, there you are!" Des, Harry's father, smiles. "How are you doing my son?"

"I'm great! How couldn't I be if I'm lucky enough to be married to your son for already a year." Louis grins. "It's the best feeling in the world."

"Such a charmer, Louis." Anne winks. "I can see why my son fell for you."

"Mom...." Harry whines and Louis chuckles, placing his arm around his husband's waist to pull him closer to him so he can kiss his cheek.

"Wasn't too hard to fall for your son either, Anne." Louis smiles. "Got the jackpot."

"I still can't believe though that you married without telling us!" Jay walks over and joins the conversation. "Can you believe that my daughter just had to read a tweet? That I knew about my son's marriage, that happened around the corner, from a tweet?" Jay shakes her head as she takes a sip from her champagne.

"How many times do I have to apologise, mom?" Louis rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to, boy. It was just quite the surprise. I didn't even know you were in Donnie. Don't apologise for marrying such a lovely boy." Jay pinches Harry's cheek which makes everybody chuckle except for Harry. His face is redder than a tomato.

"I didn't even know my son was gay!" Des laughs. "I mean, I genuinely thought he had feelings for Eleanor."

Louis can feel Harry tense next to him and he rubs his back, kissing his temple.

"Des!" Anne nudges her husband with her elbow. "I'm so glad we god rid of that girl. I can't believe what she all did to our Harry. You saved our boy, Louis."

"You did." Des nods. "I would never have forgiven myself if Harry actually married her after knowing what she did to him. My son's way more important than some stupid business." Des pets Harry's shoulder and he has a proud look on his face.

When Harry told them about the wedding, he was so scared one year ago. He was prepared for the worst. And he did get it in the beginning, but when he told his parents the truth about Eleanor, that she hit him and abused him, they went straight to the police. Eleanor can't come close to Harry now, she has a restriction.

It was difficult for them to get used to the fact that their son was married to someone they didn't know, but Louis only made good impressions when he was at Harry's. The same thing happened the other way around when Harry came to Louis' place.

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now