Chapter 9

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Here is a chap, my babies. I had to watch the Belgian football first!

happy reading xoxo

The next day Simon scheduled an interview about the Harry incident. Louis acted like a hero and the fans didn't miss that. Simon loves the positive attention obviously and he made sure that Louis could do an interview about it, talking about his friendship with Harry. Even though it used to be fake as fuck, Louis always knew how to make it look like they were really close and the fans just love 'Larry'. This friendship is even more popular than the one of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Larry rules twitter and other social media, going crazy after Louis saved Harry yesterday from the crazy fans.

"I'm not agreeing to this." Louis says firmly through the phone. "For real Simon this is not something to ask more about. It should be forgotten."

"Your interview is in two hours, Louis and I don't care what you think about it." The older man answers back.

"I refuse to put the spotlight on Harry's panic attack. I know how they feel and it's not something you want to point out, Simon. No, I'm not doing this interview. If they want to talk about my music or concerts that's totally fine by me, but I'm not discussing Harry's mental health and I don't want to be portrayed as some hero. I did the human thing and that doesn't need attention. It just has to be forgotten as soon as possible for Harry's sake."

"I discussed your outfit and Harry's already with Danielle. Have a good interview, Louis." With these words Simon ends the phone call and Louis throws his phone in the couch frustratedly.

"Fucking loser." Louis mumbles, hand going through his hair. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I tried to fix this." Louis turns to the curly boy next to him.

"It's alright, I guess. You did your best, thank you for it. I really appreciate it, Lou." Harry looks down at the floor and his lip is wobbling. Louis feels bad for the boy. He hesitantly moves closer and pulls him in his arms for a hug.

"Do you want to talk about it before the interview?" Louis whispers in his ear, hands going through his curls.

"I was so scared." Harry's voice breaks. "They were everywhere and they were touching me and I couldn't do anything. I was completely frozen and I didn't know what to do." Harry sobs loudly and the younger boy looks up, wiping his tears away.

"I am so sorry for crying. You must think that I'm a baby. I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be." Louis says immediately. "I have been there, I'm just a bit more used to it. I was sixteen when it happened to me for the first time and I was scared to come out for a few days. Simon even had to cancel a concert because I just couldn't. I know what you are feeling, Harry and if you don't want to do that interview that's completely fine. I will make sure Simon can't do anything to you, okay? I don't want you to be forced. This is not your world and you shouldn't be stuck in it." Louis puts a stray of hair behind Harry's ear.

"I should have let Eleanor go by herself." Harry sighs. "I'm just a burden and I don't really feel like she needs me here anyway. And you will be in trouble if I don't go to the interview so I'll go. I'll get over it."

Louis feels so extremely sad for the eighteen year old in front of him. He is only here because he loves his girlfriend so much and she barely pays attention and then he also gets mobbed. He doesn't deserve that, the poor soul.

"You're not a burden, Harry. I actually do enjoy your company, even before when we fought. You're a good lad. You just have to be a bit more selfish. Not everything has to revolve about Eleanor, you know. I have seen or heard it a couple of times these weeks that you always do what she asks. You can do whatever you want. Also, Harry, if you are not comfortable about the interview then don't fucking go. I'm in trouble with Simon all the time but at the end of the day I'm the one who makes the money, not him. People don't pay to see his face. You do what makes you comfortable. Even about the clothes. Although I think your clothes are hideous, if you like them then wear them. Be yourself, Harry and do whatever the fuck you want. Don't let anyone tell you who you can be." Louis' thumb is caressing Harry's cheek.

"That's amazing advice, Lou. Why don't you follow it yourself? There is nothing wrong with being gay, you know. I'm sure your fans will still love you. They are not your fans because you are straight but because you are an amazing singer who is funny and has amazing concerts. You should be able to do what you want as well. But here you are, stuck with a fake girlfriend, in the closet, with a random guy you have never seen before and your best friend isn't even allowed to tag along. You should be able to be free as well Louis and do what you want because you are pretty awesome." Harry bites his lip as those words leave his mouth. The past weeks he has been insulting the singer and now he is saying that he is awesome. He is bipolar as fuck, but only Louis has this effect on him.

"Maybe I am doing what I want, Harry." And Louis connects his ocean blue eyes with the pair of green ones.

"What do you mean, you are doing what you want?" Harry is confused. Louis is in the closet and fake dating El.

"What I mean is that if I really wanted Liam on tour he would be by now. It also means that if I really wanted to get rid of you, I would have already. But you are intriguing, Harry Styles and you fascinate me. I don't want to get rid of you. I feel like we could get along very well. Fake dating El is just the negative point of having the chance to get closer to you." Louis winks at the younger boy and Harry blushes, he plays with his fingers.

"Very interesting. Now, we are in Spain. What about we ditch Eleanor and the interview and we just go to the beach?" Mischief is written in Louis' eyes.

"Won't we be in trouble?" Harry asks, not sure if this is a good idea.

"Yup, we will. But at least we had fun."

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now