Chapter 8

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Enjoy guys xoxo

It has been a month full of bickering with Harry, escape Eleanor's flirting and awkward interviews about 'his love life'. Louis thinks that this is the worst tour he has ever been on. He misses Liam and his family and fighting Harry all the time makes him pretty tired.

Right now Louis is getting ready to go out to eat with Harry and Eleanor. Simon says that they have to go out more often all together. It's good because his fans apparently love 'Elounor' and the 'Larry' bromance. Ugh.

"I fucking hate this outfit." Harry groans as he leaves his bedroom, wearing a skinny jeans and a pink, floral shirt. Danielle had given him several skinnies and shirts and told him to never wear his own clothes again because they are just horrible. Louis agrees but he can understand Harry's frustration.

"You don't have to tell me every single day." Louis rolls his eyes when he is stepping into his converses.

"I don't need your answer every single day." Harry shouts back.

"Come on, darling. You should be nice to Louis. He is a really good person." And yeah Eleanor is right, Louis is fucking amazing but he doesn't need to hear that from her. She needs to defend her fucking boyfriend for fuck's sake and not her gay fake one.

"Let's just go." Louis sighs. He steps out of his bus and immediately grabs Eleanor's hand, acting cosy in front of the cameras while he actually just wants to throw up. He hates her.

And the dinner they had was the worst ever. Eleanor kept trying to put her hand on Louis' knee, Harry just put on his sunglasses to hide jealous looks and his burger was undercooked. Next time they should just go to McDonald's again. Hopefully they have hot gay workers in every single restaurant. Louis could really use some action now.

So after he awkwardly shared a dessert with Eleanor, the three of them leave the restaurant. Louis gasps when he sees the amount of people in front of it. Someone must have tweeted that Louis is there.

And they all try to touch him and his bodyguard is focussing on Eleanor and Louis, not really on Harry who is behind them. Louis hears him scream and immediately he turns around, seeing the curly boy cry and shake.

"Get away from him!" Louis screams, letting go of Eleanor's hand. He tells his bodyguard to bring Eleanor back and goes to Harry himself. People don't listen and Louis makes his way towards Harry, pushing everybody aside who is getting in his way. Some girls are puling on his clothes and Harry is in total shock.

"I swear don't touch him!" Louis grabs Harry's hand and then pulls him closer to him, hiding Harry in his body even though the boy is taller than him. His bodyguard runs back to them and helps them to the bus.

Louis leads Harry to the couch and immediately goes to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Here you go, drink it." Louis mumbles, holding the cup in front of Harry. The boy takes it and finishes it in one time, putting the glass back on the small table.

"Are you alright?" Louis has a worried expression on his face. Harry's shirt is torn open and all the colour has left his face.

"I guess I am. It was really scary." Harry's voice is still a bit shaky.

"Yeah, I remember the first time it happened to me. I'm so sorry, you shouldn't be in this situation. You should be back at home, studying." Louis feels guilty. An 18-year old who isn't in the world of showbiz shouldn't experience things like this. Louis has chosen for it, Harry not.

"It's not your mistake. Thank you so much for helping, Louis. You didn't have to."

"Of course I had to. You were not fine."

"But you don't like me." Harry sighs. "You hate me. You could have easily just let me there and send your bodyguard when you were safe. You didn't have to help me yourself, Louis." Harry takes off his shirt that is ripped anyway and Louis sighs.

"I don't hate you. You hate me. I'm not letting anyone behind in a situation like that. Harry I think that you are an okay lad, just not towards me. And I don't blame you for it. You have to see me being with your girlfriend all the time and I'm just not the coolest person to hang around with. I have been a bit rude to you in the very beginning, but I don't hate you." Louis confesses.

"I heard from Niall that Zayn told him that I am taking the place of your best friend who comes usually with you. I am so sorry, I didn't know. It's indeed hard to see you be with Eleanor all the time. She's my girlfriend and you get to kiss her. But I do know that it's not your fault. You are the real victim here, not me. I'm sorry that I have always been to stubborn to tell you that. I have heard you talk to Zayn several times and you are pretty funny." Harry is playing with his fingernails and Louis can't wipe the smile off his face.

"Is that a compliment, coming from the one and only Harry Styles?" Louis jokes, nudging Harry's arm with his elbow.

"It is. I'm kind of tired of fighting with you. You are cool Louis and we are both in a difficult situation, one that people our age shouldn't be in to. I heard from Zayn that Liam is supporting you, also mentally. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here you know. And I hope that I am able to talk to you as well if I need to?"

"Is that you trying to be friends?" Louis bites his lip as he looks at the curly boy in front of him.

"It depends. If the answer is no then it was all a joke and I hate you." Harry chuckles. "But... If you think that we could be friend then I would really like to try that out, you know starting from zero."

Louis nods and stretches his arm.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Louis Tomlinson."

The curly boy blushes and smiles; grabbing the smaller hand.

"Harry Styles, and I'm looking forward to our time together, Louis Tomlinson."

"Me too, Harry, me too."

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now